Questions about EA Missile Variants


I´ve looked over the Missiles Variants the EA uses and wonder, why or when I should change the standart Missile to one of the Variants ?
Super AP and Precise is more worth as AP,DD, and Precise or only Super AP and TD. Because with Presice I do more crits on a ship and in this games crits were more important as standart hits.

And all Variants (except the Long Range) have a shorter range as the standart.

So I wonder, under which circumstances do you use the variant Missiles ?
Each is useful aginst different races - Anti-interceptor is useful against other EA ships/Centauri and a few others for instance.
and you "may" prefer to do the damage to the ancients as they auto repair crits.
and for example, against a swarm fleet, damage may be better than crits anyway, destroying a ship rather than giving it 12 1-1 crits ;-)
In first ed, Flash missiles actually had the same range as standard missiles, it was almost a no-brainer to switch out in favour of crit-seeking.
Anti-fighter works well against the ISA and I like to use HARMs on my Oracles to reduce the amount of damage particularly powerful enemy vessels can inflict. I don't use Flash missiles that much, prefer the SAP to AP and DD and the reduced range isn't good for Sagittarius cruisers health. Useful on Warlocks, mind you.
Crit seeking, although important, isn't the only element in the game. Otherwise ships like the Artemis (all AP, DD and no Precise) would be poor in comparison to other ships. The Flash missile has a much greater damage output compared to the Standard missile (about 50% more, including damage from criticals). To balance this, it has a slightly shorter range and inflicts fewer effects from criticals. It's generally a good balance and depending on the opponent, one can be much better than the other.
Triggy said:
Crit seeking, although important, isn't the only element in the game. Otherwise ships like the Artemis (all AP, DD and no Precise) would be poor in comparison to other ships. The Flash missile has a much greater damage output compared to the Standard missile (about 50% more, including damage from criticals). To balance this, it has a slightly shorter range and inflicts fewer effects from criticals. It's generally a good balance and depending on the opponent, one can be much better than the other.

Yeah, and I adore the buckets of non-precise AD that the EA have, but there's so few precise weapons in there that when you have your early EA fleet which at the time had Artemis, Orestes, Hyperions (both standard and rail variants), Olympii, and whatever else I've forgotten with railguns and/or lasers for plain DD attacks, that mixing in a few Saggi to give precise into the mix is a big help.
I usually go for the KISS principle and use the standard missiles. At the same time though if they have LOTS of fighters like the Gaim then anti-fighter load outs are a no brainer. I think if you like changing out you missile load outs then it depend on what race you are facing most of the time imo.

I would be tempted to put flash or even heavy missiles on the Warlock. You will often want to get within 20" anyway to get the benefit of the Railguns so the reduced range is not so much of a hindrance. The Warlock is enough of a brawler that getting close to the enemy is not likely to be a problem. :wink:

I might even be tempted to switch in Flash on the Olympus as again the rest of its weapons are 20" range or less.

For dedicated bombardment vessels like the Apollo or Saggi I would keep the longer ranged missiles in general. Again, against specific opponents I might swap in specialised warheads but that would be an exception rather than the rule.
Iain McGhee said:
Anti-fighter works well against the ISA and I like to use HARMs on my Oracles to reduce the amount of damage particularly powerful enemy vessels can inflict. I don't use Flash missiles that much, prefer the SAP to AP and DD and the reduced range isn't good for Sagittarius cruisers health. Useful on Warlocks, mind you.

Why are AF missles good against ISA? They don't negate dodge in 2nd Ed. They just kill fighter flights on a successful hit. They would be good to use against fighter heavy fleets (EA, Gaim, Brakiri for example) Sure they could be used against ISA but the ISA isn't exactly a fighter heavy fleet (atleast not until you get to War/Armageddon)
For a happy fun time, use Heavy Missles on an Apollo. The range stinks to be sure, but crusades got enough long-range beam love to handle that aspect. Starting chucking double broadsides of 8AD SAP TD love around, using flash or standard missles on the front AD for closing fire. Even more fun with scout re-rolls, and no SL to worry about with advanced missle racks. Use it like a Nova, charge straight in using APTE then go to town.

I'd also highly suggest using heavy missles with Olympus as well. the range is comparable to rails, and the extra damage is often enough to push a skirmish level ship into crippled/skeletoned range in one turn. An olympus is also practially the only EA (3rd age at any rate) where is greatly beneficial to use CAF!, you have two weapons systems that can benefit and no arcs to worry about as both are turreted.
Heavy Missiles also work well on the Hyperion Missile variant. Its beam is only 12'' range so it needs to get close anyway; being able to open up with SAP, Triple damage in 3 arcs when you get there can make the charge worthwhile.
angelus2000 said:
For a happy fun time, use Heavy Missles on an Apollo. The range stinks to be sure, but crusades got enough long-range beam love to handle that aspect. Starting chucking double broadsides of 8AD SAP TD love around, using flash or standard missles on the front AD for closing fire.

I didn'tr think you could use multiple missile variants on a single ship. Even if it is in separate weapons systems...
Yes. Put standard missiles in one side, flash in the other. Turn 1 fire standard, turn, the enemy are closer so fire flash. With heavy in front and aft for when the enemy gets really close.
yeah, in 1e I'd often put flash missiles in the front and side arcs of a saggi, and heavy in the aft just to mess with anything that got behind.
Methos5000 said:
Iain McGhee said:
Anti-fighter works well against the ISA and I like to use HARMs on my Oracles to reduce the amount of damage particularly powerful enemy vessels can inflict. I don't use Flash missiles that much, prefer the SAP to AP and DD and the reduced range isn't good for Sagittarius cruisers health. Useful on Warlocks, mind you.

Why are AF missles good against ISA? They don't negate dodge in 2nd Ed. They just kill fighter flights on a successful hit. They would be good to use against fighter heavy fleets (EA, Gaim, Brakiri for example) Sure they could be used against ISA but the ISA isn't exactly a fighter heavy fleet (atleast not until you get to War/Armageddon)

Against WS-Fs before they get into range and to thin out Nials to give your fighters (esp. if you're T-bolt heavy) a reasonable chance to tackle the remaining flights. Less useful in 2e, as you say, but having a few Olympus or Hermes with these is still worthwhile. Other Missiles tend to be less useful against most ISA cap. ships since they generally can dodge.
Iain McGhee said:
Methos5000 said:
Iain McGhee said:
Anti-fighter works well against the ISA and I like to use HARMs on my Oracles to reduce the amount of damage particularly powerful enemy vessels can inflict. I don't use Flash missiles that much, prefer the SAP to AP and DD and the reduced range isn't good for Sagittarius cruisers health. Useful on Warlocks, mind you.

Why are AF missles good against ISA? They don't negate dodge in 2nd Ed. They just kill fighter flights on a successful hit. They would be good to use against fighter heavy fleets (EA, Gaim, Brakiri for example) Sure they could be used against ISA but the ISA isn't exactly a fighter heavy fleet (atleast not until you get to War/Armageddon)

Against WS-Fs before they get into range and to thin out Nials to give your fighters (esp. if you're T-bolt heavy) a reasonable chance to tackle the remaining flights. Less useful in 2e, as you say, but having a few Olympus or Hermes with these is still worthwhile. Other Missiles tend to be less useful against most ISA cap. ships since they generally can dodge.

I see your point but even then, unless im mistaken, all EA ships have the AF trait and WS-F have a 2" gun. True its hull five but thats about par for most races heavy fighters. And for thinning out Nials I think you still have to break stealth to fire on them so they may not be as effective. Plus Hermes can no longer use missle variants in 2nd Ed.

But I suppose I could be useful if you are expecting a WS Carrier to show up.
Thanks for the answers.

I think I will try some Variants in my next game.
Esspecialy the Heavy and Flash Missiles.