Pirates of Drinax 2nd Ed: Typos, Errors, Bugs, Gremlins, Etc.


My first skim of the books, I noticed a few minor issues.

Has anyone else noticed anything?

Here's what I've got:

p39. Blacksand Widow: Armour - No closing parentheses.
p.47 Miria Silverhand: Armour - No closing parentheses. Should it say “protection”?
p.48 Miria’s Crew: Armour - No closing parentheses. Should it say “protection”?
p.81 Kasiyl: Missing picture?
p116 Flame Knight: Has Battledress skill, which doesn’t exist in 2nd ed…
p121 Prof Haut-Belzoni: STR and DEX have ) after the number.
p.163: Krond's Letter. Not sure what font you are using, but the letters are all scrunched up and unreadable in my PDF reader. (Preview, OS X 10.12.6)
p203: Teeahta: No comma and space between 0 and Mechanic
p.208: Investigative Clan Agent: Equipment, Combat Vacc Suit, no opening parentheses
p.238: Hawk Warrior: Missing Picture?

The PDF Bookmarks are ... worthless. Not sure what they even are.
At a minimum, one for each chapter is needed. Ideally there would be sub-bookmarks under each chapter with important points. The various tables (rumors, prey, etc) in the intro, bookmark to the Harrier, the NPCs, corporations, etc. We have a rich medium here, let's really use it!

p.20: Map of the palace has a key, but no locations are actually marked on the map.
p.24: Sal Dance — In the 1st edition it was Sal Dancet, (missing the final “t”) which I think is right. A Search of book 1 refers to "Dancet" multiple times, so yeah, a typo.
p139. Hadara is in the Egyrn subsector section, instead of Menorial chapter where the system is located.
p. 169 Alirar - sentence doesn’t end…
p.188 Panorda is in the Borderland section instead of the Tobia section where the system is located
p.212: Outrim Void: The first part of text is OUtrim (U capitalized)

p212: Rule of Man: Heading is not bolded like other entries.

PDF Bookmark comments applies here too. While better thank book 1, still leaves a lot to be desired.

Havent't had a chance to do book 3 yet.
I may spot more on closer reading.
Cheers for this - some of these we had already trapped and changed, will add the others and do an update next week. We welcome any other spots anyone has!

Book 1:
p. 19, In the "Ghost Ship" table item, there is a typo: it says "travellera" instead of "travellers."
p. 22, first paragraph describing Gazelle-class close escort, type "outgun or outgun." Presumably the second "outgun" was meant to be "outrun."
p. 68, Under the description of Assistant Astrogator Ven Laffit "Trokh" should be "Tyokh." Trokh is the Aslan language; Tyokh is the planet the ship is destined to reach.
p. 77, Extra bullet under "Running the Adventure."
p. 78, Under "Chasing Down the Scout," the text mistakenly indicates that the Harrier has 5G of thrust when it has 6.

Book 2:
p. 69, the Scientist qualification is shown as "INT 7+ (10+ for males)" but on the career page, p. 82, it is shown as "Rite of Passage 7+ (males 10+)".
p. 72, Ceremonial career. The three careers in the tables do not match the three ceremonial careers. They erroneously read "Law enforcement, Intelligence, Corporate." UPDATED COMMENT: Actually, a lot of the careers have this problem. Many of the column titles are from the human chargen tables. Perhaps go over all these pages carefully and make sure they match.
P. 72-93. A lot of the mustering out tables have missing DMs but the tables go up to 7 so it's impossible to roll 7 on some of them.
p. 94, Perhaps not an error, but in mustering out, if you have a corporation, how do you ever make money on a roll of 1D-5%? You would actually lose money most of the time. Is it supposed to be 1Dx5%?
Book 2:
Page 73 DM+1 if SOC 9+ is very dark and hard to read
D for DM+1 if SOC 9+ is missing
(Yes the same text is there twice)
Page 79: DM+1 when rolling on Benefits if M (ale is very dark and hard to read)
Page 81: DM+1 when rolling o (n Benefits if Male is very dark and hard to read)
Page 85: DM+1 when rolling on Ben (efits if Male is very dark and hard to read)
Book 2

Page 10-12. My math and/or understanding of the rules may be off but I think the maintenance cost for the Harrier is incorrect: 0.1% of MCr318.94875 divided by 12 = Cr 26,579 per month (318,948,750*0.001/12). That is comparable to similarly priced vessels in Book 3 and High Guard, but is 10X higher than Book 2 lists for the harrier.
Kal99 said:
Book 2

Page 10-12. My math and/or understanding of the rules may be off but I think the maintenance cost for the Harrier is incorrect: 0.1% of MCr318.94875 divided by 12 = Cr 26,579 per month (318,948,750*0.001/12).

It should be, looks like a digit was dropped.
Book 2

p. 50: In the "Final Consonants" table for pronouncing Aslan words, the rows of the "Pronunciation" column seem to be aligned incorrectly with the rows of the "Sound" column. For example, the pronunciation of the sound "S" is listed as "like wow" (when it should probably be "hiss") while the pronunciation of "W" is listed as a glottal stop, which I assume should actually be the pronunciation for the apostrophe in the following row.

Looks like this error was just copied over from the 1E Alien Module 1: Aslan book.
What PDF Book Marks?

Am I missing some files?

allanimal said:
My first skim of the books, I noticed a few minor issues.

Has anyone else noticed anything?

Here's what I've got:

p39. Blacksand Widow: Armour - No closing parentheses.
p.47 Miria Silverhand: Armour - No closing parentheses. Should it say “protection”?
p.48 Miria’s Crew: Armour - No closing parentheses. Should it say “protection”?
p.81 Kasiyl: Missing picture?
p116 Flame Knight: Has Battledress skill, which doesn’t exist in 2nd ed…
p121 Prof Haut-Belzoni: STR and DEX have ) after the number.
p.163: Krond's Letter. Not sure what font you are using, but the letters are all scrunched up and unreadable in my PDF reader. (Preview, OS X 10.12.6)
p203: Teeahta: No comma and space between 0 and Mechanic
p.208: Investigative Clan Agent: Equipment, Combat Vacc Suit, no opening parentheses
p.238: Hawk Warrior: Missing Picture?

The PDF Bookmarks are ... worthless. Not sure what they even are.
At a minimum, one for each chapter is needed. Ideally there would be sub-bookmarks under each chapter with important points. The various tables (rumors, prey, etc) in the intro, bookmark to the Harrier, the NPCs, corporations, etc. We have a rich medium here, let's really use it!

p.20: Map of the palace has a key, but no locations are actually marked on the map.
p.24: Sal Dance — In the 1st edition it was Sal Dancet, (missing the final “t”) which I think is right. A Search of book 1 refers to "Dancet" multiple times, so yeah, a typo.
p139. Hadara is in the Egyrn subsector section, instead of Menorial chapter where the system is located.
p. 169 Alirar - sentence doesn’t end…
p.188 Panorda is in the Borderland section instead of the Tobia section where the system is located
p.212: Outrim Void: The first part of text is OUtrim (U capitalized)

p212: Rule of Man: Heading is not bolded like other entries.

PDF Bookmark comments applies here too. While better thank book 1, still leaves a lot to be desired.

Havent't had a chance to do book 3 yet.
I may spot more on closer reading.
When talking about Aslan rite of passage nothing makes sense.
The actual rite is a test which examines the Traveller’s abilities and qualities, and males and females undergo different rites.
A male Aslan rolls 2D which is compared to each of his characteristics apart from TER. A Rite of Passage score is created by adding +1 for each characteristic greater than the roll.

Example: Two male Aslan siblings, Hwelryr and Karinvyr both have the same characteristics: STR 10, DEX 7, END 8, INT 6, EDU 5, SOC 7. Hwelyr rolls a 6 for his rite of passage; Karinvyr rolls a 10.
Hwelyr’s Rite of Passage number is +3 (+DEX, +END, +SOC). Karinvyr’s Rite of Passage number is +0.

From this example I would say Hwelryr has a +4 (+ str, +Dex, +end, +Soc). not a 3 if I understand rite right
There for if I'm understanding everything it would require a roll of 6 6+rite being a10 or higher to get into spacer?
Some things I found missing I should say I hope are just missing. The book seems to state that Aslan have the same base states as a human 2d6 Str,Dex,End,Int,Edu if this I'd the case I would hope you rethink this. In both mt and CT they had the following modified states. Stf 2d6+2, End 2d +2 , and Dex 2d6-1
Just a suggestion,

When writing a year, perhaps include a suffix so we know which dating system if it's referring to (965As perhaps?).

Perhaps also a relative timeline showing Imperial vs aslan dating would be useful?
Book 2, pg. 26

Time period table, the Imperial entries need units! (320 what? 36 what? Month? Days? Minutes?)


Wonky background image (the hex grid is duplicated and scaled).
Book 2, pg. 14:

States that the empire of sindal was founded during the long night, and the timeline on pg. 15 states that it was circa - 2000.

I think -2000 is during the 2nd imperium (-2083 to - 1776) not the long night?

One of these things is wrong.
Can I request when you do creature stat blocks you include some indication of the creatures size.

For example, how large are ATEKTEIA?

The text gives no indication. They are described as being insects, but they have eight hits, so I'm guessing they are larger than insects?

Edit: speaking of, the Poison entry for ATEKTEIA seems wrong.
Book 1, pg. 28 & 254 (possibly others)

Both feature (!), which at a guess was an annotation by the author or editor and should now be removed.
Book one, pg. 13

The "Finding Prey" text runs off the bottom of the page!

What is the time interval for searching for prey?
Book one, pg. 36

It isn't stated outright, but can I assume the beige areas on the station map have a breathable atmosphere, and the grey areas are vacuum?

Maybe you should mention it if so?