most human stats you can find in the various Darlage Sourcebooks

otherwise you can use some stats from the good mongoose npc lists here
i am no friend of converting every npc / monster / thing. if they find a blacksmith he can repair their armor (no stats needed), if they need a priest/scholar to decipher a scroll he can do it (perhaps after some time). for a fight these above stats are more than sufficient. for "monsters" i take them out of the various books (scrolls,ruins,road of kings, etc) or make them up by myself (mostly "on the fly")
for those who are not familiar with the WFRPG and want to convert some of the mentioned scenarios here is some "warhammer vocabulary" (i played it a long time ago..so if i made a mistake or forgot something pm me and i will edit this post):
SIGMAR -> main "good" god. would be Mitra for conan
MORR -> god of the dead (NOT evil! he is just managing the deads) would be mitra too (or another god if you transfer it to another country like zamora); "Morrslieb" is just the moon
KHAINE / KHORNE -> main evil gods; would be any demon lord [recommended] or (seldom) could be set
"CAREER" -> WFRPG doesn't use the level system. they use careers (like a class in D20); after advancing you can take a new career (like "soldier", "witchhunter", "dragon slayer", etc). can't converse it 1:1 but would recommend 2-4 D20 levels for "one career" (depends on the number of players you have).
STORM OF CHAOS -> main battle between good and evil; use some civil war (for zingara for example) or other major conflict (Turanian border fighting, ravaging stygian sorceror with undead army, pissed of witch casting "black plague" or whatever)
MUTANTS / MUTATIONS -> some npcs in the scenarios are hiding because of "sign of mutation" (change of the body); mutation is a sign of evil or corruption in the WFRPG world and would summon some witchhunters...of course no one is speaking to a "mutant" and they are outsiders. depending on the story you could use "sorceror" (in countries like argos or aquilonia where sorcerors are feared) or you can use the corruption table from the core rulebook. WFRPG witchhunters will mostly kill the mutant (to prevent the spreading of evil...not the best or human idea but they like it the "safe way"). you have to adapt the "kind of mutation" (see above) for your kind of adventure (especially how magic is handled in the location you play)
WITCH HUNTERS -> the name says it all. take the "Temple Warder" from hyborias finest (page 106) with the variant rules heretic hunter and righteous fury