New Judge Dredd Playtest

Damn my lack of a minis gaming group.

I'd be happy to proofread and rules lawyer though if that's needed.


EDIT: Thanks for the access Matt.

I would be happy to see what I can bring to it... been waiting for something new in the 2000AD cineverse for a long time...
If you are still looking for playtesters, my local GOMC1 crowd would certainly like to take a crack at the new rules. :)
Strangely I just broke out the GoMC1 rules the other day whilst I was looking for something fun and skirmishy to play. Caught this news as I was looking about for articles for new rules etc.

Would be intersted in giving them a playtest or two.

Gotta go dig out the miniatures now.

Hi Matt,

love to have a go at playtesting the new rules, GOMC-1 was a great game- hopefully I can complete my collection if you are going to re-issue the figures! :wink:

Kind regards,

Hi, I'm really interested in playtesting a new GOMC-1 if i still can. Me and my mates still play it all the time so cant wait to try out a new version.
Is there any news when Mongoose will let the wave of eager playtesters access to the playtest forum?