Well I didn't think I'd get that sort of response, I thought I'd get a slagging for having a case for transporting my as yet iincomplete minis, I'm sure that will happen soon though.
To help you all out, at the bottom of the item page is a store stock checker:
Type in your postcode and it'll give you the stock levels in all the nearby stores. Make sure you select the correct item first though.
Not all stores have them, I phoned my bro up in EK at work where he works for Maplin. They had sold out. Though his staff discount wouldn't have been much use as they would need to have been sent down.
Thay had at least 2 more in my local store but I thought one would be enough to start with, should be enough for a tourney transport as I say.
The leaflet of the current sale prices tells me that the sale that these are in finishes on the 5th of Septemver, that's Tuesday to you and me. Best get them bought soon. £30 normal price, sale price £15. Well worth a little trip down to the shops.
The box dimensions are on the product page, the dimple foam in the top is removable, in the lower section are 2 foam blocks, 1 is about 1.5" thick, the other is about 6cm thick. Yes i know I've mixed the measurements but it's more precise that way :lol:
Glad I was of any help.