Japan-like in Hyboria?


In the movie Conan the Barbarian, Conan learned the art of war from oriental masters that look like ancient japanese. Khitai IS more chinese than japanese, what is their country/region in Hyboria?

You have to understand that the movie involves a lot of symbolism not found in Howard's stories (the wheel scene in the movies represents education, a seemingly circular activity that seems to go nowhere, yet develops the 'muscles' we need to survive in the world - while in school many people feel like they are going nowhere, yet when they leave the school, they realise they learned a few things); note that this turn at the wheel did not happen to Howard's Conan - he grew up in Cimmeria and was an able warrior by the time he fought at Venarium - the movie Conan never fought at Venarium - he grew up as a slave.

In addition to serving some symbolic needs, the presence of the Japanese-style Khitans also serves to explain why Conan-of-the-Movies fights in such a flashy Oriental style instead of as a western barbarian.

You would do well to divorce much of the movie from your mind. Although I enjoy the movie, it is not Howard's Conan at all.
Hyrkania shares a similar culture with the Turan empire and is based on the Mongol hordes. Turan represents the Mongol empire when they settled down (i.e. Samarkand).

What I'am wondering is that if Turan is a mighty centralized empire while Khitaï being rather small - comparatively - and though it is also an empire, this country is more a collection of cities, why wasn't Turan able to conquer the eastern realm and prefered to turn toward the West.
The King said:
What I'am wondering is that if Turan is a mighty centralized empire while Khitaï being rather small - comparatively - and though it is also an empire, this country is more a collection of cities, why wasn't Turan able to conquer the eastern realm and prefered to turn toward the West.

Maybe something "ridiculous" like an Turan emperor who died during the preparations for the big crusade against Khitai. His sons and other relatives fought first a few years for the succcesion. When this was settled, nobody thought of the planned crusade anymore: resources depleted, rebelling tribes on the borders had to be pacified and Khitai has still the big wall and is covered by jungles - nothing that is on the favourite terrain list for a steppe rider.

Look at the European history and the Mongols: IIRC something like described above happened in reality.
The King wrote:
What I'am wondering is that if Turan is a mighty centralized empire while Khitaï being rather small - comparatively - and though it is also an empire, this country is more a collection of cities, why wasn't Turan able to conquer the eastern realm and prefered to turn toward the West.

Interesting question. Pure speculation, but I think Turan may of felt the West was more a threat and if they were divided on both fronts they would've been vulnerable. But I definitely think Turan after securing the Hyborian west would've eventually looked to Khitai. Just a matter of time. But then Gorm showed up! :evil:
I suppose Lemuria is in the right location to be the Hyborian version of Japan.

Lemuria was the home of a saffron-skinned Oriental race who were the ancestors of the and Hyrkanians (maybe of the Japanese?)

It is possible some survivors of the sinking stayed behind and could be Wizards or savages at the time of Conan.

Thulandra Thuu (in Conan the Liberator) was a Lemurian Sorceror.

I would not ignore Khitai though as a great deal of martial arts action and adventure can be had there.

I am currently working on a scenario where my PCs join a band of outlaws hiding in marshes and jungles and fight against the evil God-Emporer of Khitia. (Shades of the Water Margin).

And imagine your Vanir Barb, Aquilonian Soldier, Pictish Guide and Zamoran Bandit guarding a merchant caravan returning to Paikang.

End route, they fend off an an attack by outlaws from some marshes.

Once at the city, they are offered mercenary service in the God-Emperors army. They see at first hand the harsh way that the poor people are treated.

A rival captain accuses them of treason and they must flee the city and join the outlaws they fought before.

The outlaws send them to investigate an ruined temple for possible use as a hideout. There they fight shaven headed priests, savage man-apes and
a chiang-shih (the Chinese version of the vampire)

and so on .............................
Well what about Yamatai?
I think this is the Japan on the hyborian age.
Howard don´t write about it, but i've already read things about it.
Kid Aelius said:
Well what about Yamatai?
I think this is the Japan on the hyborian age.
Howard don´t write about it, but i've already read things about it.

Thanks for bringing that up Kid Aelius, I didn't know about Yamatai. After an internet research, I learned that in fact it is very very ancient Japan.

If anyona have useful info on Yamatai, dont be shy to share it with me! :wink:
VincentDarlage said:
toothill man said:
is there a cult that worships steel and the sword as in the film 8)

No. That was made up for the movie as well.

The riddle of steel- "The secret of steel is that is not the blade, but the will behind it that is it's strength". That's about all I like out of the film because by sheer irony, it's dead on. 'Tis the one who wields the weapon, not the weapon that determines how strong it is. Also, Thulsa Doom is right- the focus and patience required to unlock martial skills can in fact be used to master Sorcery/Magic/Psychic Abilites, whatever you call it. Appropiate enough to a topic about the mythical Orient. I've been basing my Body and Mind Sphere spells on that idea.

It's odd how often ancient wisdom pops in the fanatsy genre. As Alan Moore once wrote- are we sure someOne(s) isn't trying to slip us information on the sly through what is essentially modern mythology? 8)
Bushido said:
In the movie Conan the Barbarian, Conan learned the art of war from oriental masters that look like ancient japanese. Khitai IS more chinese than japanese, what is their country/region in Hyboria?


A recent Dale Rippke's research on Howard's Turan and lands at east showed that Khitai didn't take all the China's area (as we see in hundreds and hundreds of not-accurate maps), but only a little piece of southern China and all Indo-China. See this and many more in the essay "The Blue East", published in the site http://www.dodgenet.com/~moonblossom/Cmuse18.htm