How do newbies use jump points....

As I understand it, Silvereye's description is spot on, regarding nuance of AJP and JP.

I've tried to use the jump point tactic with some effectiveness, but did it too early. I jump in a ship behind the enemy, and managed to catch two in the effect cone, but the ships really proceded to gang up on my jumping ship the next turn when he came through. the bulk of my fleet was on the other side of the board and it wound up dividing my forces to an unacceptable level.

So, bottom line, use them with care, and don't "jump the gun"

My ultimate realisation when it comes to AJPs is the use of AJP with large ships with large boresight weapons.. Take the case of the a Victory Class Destroyer hitting a Bin Tak (biggest floating brick I could find)

Victory Front facing weapons
Lightning Cannon 30 B 8 3D, SAP, Pre, B
Neutron Laser 30 F 6 2D, SAP, Pre, B
Fusion Cannon 18 T 6 AP, MB
Hvy Puls Can 12 T 12 Tw-L

Crew 95/23
Damage 85/27

The Victory opens up a AJP 12 inches behind and 46 Degrees off center of the Bin Tak. No matter how the Bin Tak maneuvers, it will allways be within the 90 degree arc of the Victory AND within 20 inches. The distance is important as the Bin Tak needs to be within 8 (speed of victory) + 12 (range of HPC) of the center of the AJP.

The ISA uses her sinks as much as possible to get the Bin-Tak to move on the second turn, open the point as late as possible in the first turn.. the ISA, knowing of this tactic, has deployed as many initiative sinks as possible. Then once the Bin Tak has moved exit the inline with the Bin-Tak, declare CAF on the Bin Tak and then watch this.

(I give criticals 1.4 for C and 2.1 for D, which IIRC, is the averager result)

Lets look at the damage
Lightning cannon 8 shots hit 6 times (CAF) which hit 2 on second, total 8 hits, with 3 crits total 12.2x3=27 C and 14.3x3=43 D
Neutron cannon 6 shot hits 4.5 times (CAF) which hit 1.5 on second total 6 hits, with 2 crits total 8.8x2=18 C and 10.2x2=20 D
Fusion Cannon 6 shots hit 4 times (CAF) which hit 1 crit total 5 C 6 D
HPC 12 shots hit 4 times (no CAF) which hit 1 crit total 5 C 6 D

Total 47 C and 75 D with 7 crit effect hits leaving 48 C and 10 D remaining with the ship dead in space. Any dice luck .. or any 6-4,6-5 or 6-6 on the LC or NC crits and the ship goes caboom.

3 SFs and 3 TBs (Assuming they survive) will hit another 5 times probably doing 6 C 7 D leaving the bin tak on 42 C and 3 D. Any smaller ship in the game will be destroyed by that single first shot.

That is how to use AJPs properly in High Priority Battles
But I can't think of many scenarios at 5 point Raid that allow you to keep your entire fleet in hyperspace. or even just 5 point Raid's worth, except maybe Flee to the jump gate.

I've been thinking... how often do we see ships come out of a jump point or gate shooting? Even as they're passing through the vortex they're firing weapons. Not only Minbari but EA and Centauri ships as well if memory serves.

So why is it that ships coming through a jump point can't fire on the turn they pass through?
Captain David the Denied said:
I've been thinking... how often do we see ships come out of a jump point or gate shooting? Even as they're passing through the vortex they're firing weapons. Not only Minbari but EA and Centauri ships as well if memory serves.

So why is it that ships coming through a jump point can't fire on the turn they pass through?

They can shoot with Advanced Jump Point... :idea:
Silvereye wrote -

"If the Warlock created and maintained the jump point, the Hermes could use it, but would be unable to fire, launch its starfuries or perform a special action as it only has a JP. The Warlock could enter through its own jump point and would still be able to fire its weaponry as normal. However as it needs to maintain the point it would be unable to perform a special action or launch fighters."

Is this correct? My understanding of the situation is NO ship can fire coming through its own jump point due to the fact that to continue to keep the jump point open you need to be under the SA Initiate Jump Point. AJP makes you immune to the effects of moving through a jump point but I saw no rule that made you immune to the effects of the SA.

Just curious if someone can cite a reference for this as I am defacto judge in our campaign and need references as often as possible.

Ripple, the AJP trait lets a ship ignore most of the restrictions found with using a jump point. The only restriction placed upon an AJP ship, is using the special action to maintain the point to come through, and as a consequence of this it will not be able to launch fighters or use the Scout trait.
Sorry guys but I really need a rule citation or a Matt quote.

The special order IJP specifically prevents you from firing. Mind you, not going through a jump point which also has this effect, and is clearly coverd by the AJP trait.

IE the trait AJP removes the strain of passing through a jump point. You specifically may act normally.

But it does not say anywhere that it allieviates the strain a making a jump point, ie using the special action IJP, which halves speed and prevents fire.

Other notes - a ships with AJP may not fire on the turn it IJPs to get away as the trait only allows the ship to act normally on the turn it arrives from a jump point. This seems to support that taking the IJP SA is ruleswise different than simply passing through the jump point. All ships going through a jump point with AJP can act normally but the one holding it open may not as it is restricted by the SA.

I can't find a specific Matt ruling, but we were all playing i tthat way at the tournament yesterday and Matt never said we were wrong.

Trust me, I have it right.

No offense LBH, and I do not doubt you that Matt is currently playing it exactly that way. But that is not what the rules say, and as a judge without a ruling or a rule citation I have to go by the letter of the rule.

One of the many reasons I think that there are issues with the game. I do not believe the game that was written and the game being played by the designers are the same game. See the fighters on bases ruling for another example.

I hate having to post a list of rules alterations/interpretations before any battle but it is getting so the list of clarifications is longer than the base book.

Well if you want an official ruling post your question in the Rulesmaster's section of the forums (if you haven;t already) clearly label it as an ACTA question in the topic subject and wait for an official reply. Probably best to state that you are looking for an official reply to stop all us helpful types posting there as well.

If that fails you could always email with the question and get it from the horse's mouth.
