High Guard Update 2022 - News


Staff member
Good morning, fellow Travellers!

A hot bit of news for you all. As I sat down at my desk this morning, what do I see in my Inbox but what is almost the complete manuscript for High Guard Update 2022! We are now just waiting for one chapter to roll in (should be next month), but we are diving into the editing right now.

Things are always subject to change, but author Chris Griffen gave us this summary of the differences and changes...

• Big ships (of 5,000 tons and greater) can now pack on some serious armour provided they specify a military hull. Also, we scaled limitations that make it tough for little ships (think fighters) to have heavy armour, but exceedingly easy for big ones. Adventure-class ships remain the same; didn't want to rock the boat on that one with so many extant designs out there. Pretty proud of this pair of rules. Having redesigned dozens of ships with them now, I think they work as intended.
• Weapons: We introduce a game-changing concept that we spreadsheeted and playtested for validation. It's called Damage Multiples. Most ship weapons do not have the Destructive trait anymore. We expunged it... except for missiles and torpedoes, which got to keep it. Barbettes are now a real threat, and bay weapons scale properly. I noticed a striking lack of medium and large bays in previous designs. That shall change. The sacrifices are now worth it to get bigger bays.
• Options: Tons of new ones. You'll find the Spacecraft Options section significantly altered and supplemented!
• Customising Ships: I combined a variation of the Trillion Credit Squadron ship modification rules with slight updates to the 'Primitive and Advanced Technology' section into one cohesive chapter.
• Computers: Not much here, but a cool new software package was added per Geir's suggestion, based on his review of my new Sensors chapter.
• Space Stations: I'm leaning heavily on the graphics crew for this one. I didn't like all the repetition in the previous version, so I'm asking for a graphical flowchart of sorts that walks the designer through the rules, flipping back to the ship design section, and then adds updated rules for space-station-specific options at the end.
• Sensors: Brand new chapter that tries to clear up some of the ambiguity and adds some interesting new things.
• Crew Roles! Nuff said. I fleshed out all the crew roles in ways I think players will find interesting and compel them to play their characters with more specificity, depending on the role they serve on a ship.
• Fighters I barely touched other than cosmetic changes, but they will get some love in the Fleet Combat section.
• Boarding Actions: Per our discussion, I took Martin's approach in Mercenary and genericized and enhanced it for more general boarding encounters, not just those involving mercenary soldiers.
• And at last! The Spacecraft of the Third Imperium section. Almost every ship was modified. Don't worry. They are still recognisable, but modified for the better. All of the capital ships were heavily revamped, using the new armour and weapons rules. Obeisance was paid to the previous designs, which obviously paid backward to CT, but the ships are different and capital ships are truly CAPITAL now. They're something to behold. Wait til you see the battle rider and torpedo bomber that I snuck in there!

Don't know about you, but I cannot wait to dive into this one!

Just remember to release the PDF a couple of weeks BEFORE you send it to the printers, so we (the fans/customers) can help spot any issues in time to have them fixed pre-printing. :)
Lets hope that armor is finally scaling to the size of the ship - it simply shouldn't be allowed to have a 400 ton SDB having the same armor factors as a 500,000 Tigress. That's just.... not right.

Looking forward to seeing more details about what's changing. Clarity and cleaning up ambiguity across the board is going to be very welcomed.
OrdosMalleus said:

Just remember to release the PDF a couple of weeks BEFORE you send it to the printers, so we (the fans/customers) can help spot any issues in time to have them fixed pre-printing. :)

Yes. This.
OrdosMalleus said:
Just remember to release the PDF a couple of weeks BEFORE you send it to the printers, so we (the fans/customers) can help spot any issues in time to have them fixed pre-printing. :)

Yes yes yes. Please do this.

For the love of your community, PLEASE let us review the pdf before you finalise the physical version. A promise to do that will make me feel safe to pre-order, despite the misgivings that were the messy Core Rulebook 2022.
Surge said:
For the love of your community, PLEASE let us review the pdf before you finalise the physical version. A promise to do that will make me feel safe to pre-order, despite the misgivings that were the messy Core Rulebook 2022.

Worry not, this is the plan :)
It would also be VERY helpful if the ships from the Aliens of Charted Space were updated to the HG22 rules.
Just a free download would do the trick.
The new High Guard is currently being edited - from time to time, I will see if I can post some of the new highlights here. First up, critical hits on big ships:

• Ships larger than 2,000 tons ignore critical hits from turrets and barbettes.
• Ships larger than 10,000 tons ignore critical hits from all weapons except medium and large bay weapons and spinal-mount weapons.
• Ships larger than 100,000 tons ignore critical hits from all weapons except large bays and spinal-mount weapons.
• Spinal mount weapons can always (and will!) cause critical hits.
Moving on, Common Areas can now be equipped or themed.

There is an option to include a Hot Tub on your ship.
MongooseMatt said:
Moving on, Common Areas can now be equipped or themed.

There is an option to include a Hot Tub on your ship.

But is it possible to suffer a critical hit to the jacuzzi deck?
locarno24 said:
MongooseMatt said:
Moving on, Common Areas can now be equipped or themed.

There is an option to include a Hot Tub on your ship.

But is it possible to suffer a critical hit to the jacuzzi deck?

I remember when Star Fleet Battles came out with a card deck to handle damage rolls. One card destroyed the Captain's Bowling Alley.
Arkathan said:
locarno24 said:
MongooseMatt said:
Moving on, Common Areas can now be equipped or themed.

There is an option to include a Hot Tub on your ship.

But is it possible to suffer a critical hit to the jacuzzi deck?

I remember when Star Fleet Battles came out with a card deck to handle damage rolls. One card destroyed the Captain's Bowling Alley.

I was about the mention this same thing. Since I always have a bowling alley option in any ship design spreadsheet I write: Traveller, Full Thrust, Starmada...
MongooseMatt said:
• And at last! The Spacecraft of the Third Imperium section. Almost every ship was modified. Don't worry. They are still recognisable, but modified for the better. All of the capital ships were heavily revamped, using the new armour and weapons rules. Obeisance was paid to the previous designs, which obviously paid backward to CT, but the ships are different and capital ships are truly CAPITAL now. They're something to behold. Wait til you see the battle rider and torpedo bomber that I snuck in there!

One of the things that bothered me is that the old CT ships had an agility factor and forego armor to get it. Since then any system not using agility made those ship way more vulnerable then they were supposed to be. Armoring those up would be good.

But I do miss the armor vs agility choices.
john_q_traveller said:
Can we please have more than one fighter in Spacecraft of the Third Imperium?

There are four fighter craft in the chapter:
  • Light fighter
  • Heavy fighter
  • Torpedo bomber
  • Ultralight fighter (adapted from the CT Broadsword modular cutter fighter module)

The latter calls attention to another rules update: Minimum size for a ship is now five tons whereas previously it was 10.
1. Light fighter - probably fifteen tonnes.

2. Heavy fighter - probably fifty tonnes, though going by current rules, should be no more than forty nine tonnes.

3. Torpedo bomber - outside of a Swordfish, seems a waste of time; strapping one on a commercial smallcraft, feels more like a armed merchant cruiser in miniature.

4. Ultralight fighter - does seem like the six tonne was used as the minimum size to support a smallcraft weapon system, with the zero volume benefit of a fixture.

5. If the minimum for a smallcraft weapon system is dropped to five tonnes, okay.

6. In theory, spacecraft can be smaller than five tonnes, though there may be another game mechanism to design them.
New reason to have additional computing power on a ship:

You can now 'hand off' sensor data of detected targets to other ships. Doing so requires 1 Bandwidth per target per ship handed off to.

Computer cores are significantly better/more efficient than this, allowing data to be handed off to entire squadrons at a time. There is also Battle Network software available.
MongooseMatt said:
New reason to have additional computing power on a ship:

You can now 'hand off' sensor data of detected targets to other ships. Doing so requires 1 Bandwidth per target per ship handed off to.

Computer cores are significantly better/more efficient than this, allowing data to be handed off to entire squadrons at a time. There is also Battle Network software available.


That's not really a good reason to have more computing power. What you are referring to is more of a data-link system. That's what the US Aegis-class cruisers/destroyers do. They literally take in all the sensor data being fed to them from the fleet and any other input, perform target identification/discrimination, and then they are able to control all of the weapons of the fleet, including the defenses.

Handing off targeting data is quite minimal and is accomplished today in platforms like fighters (With a thousandth the computer power of a Traveller starship).

This sounds like something that should be reclassified as a data link SYSTEM - with all the extra costs and tonnage associated with additional data links and operators.