Greater Mobility question


If a character has Greater Mobility and wins Initiative, can he move, hit a foe and then move out of his reach again so he can never be hit (provided that he has enough base movement and his foe can't move that much)?
What would happen if he loses Initiative? Would his foe be able to delay his attack against him until he comes into range? How would the static defender readying an action affect this situation?

And last but not least, would a character with Greater Mobility & Greater Uncanny Dodge & enough base movement (w/ Fleet Footed if needed) to move in & out of his foe's reach be able to attack without retaliation whenever he gains Initiative?

I wonder if Greater Mobility could be used this way. I think it would encourage players dropping the armour from time to time (not that they have Greater Mobility, but they will face soon a foe who does, and this will show them carrying the heaviest armour can be bad in some situations, as it slows them).
If someone was using hit and run tactics, a player could ready action vs. an attack/approach. When the Greater Mobility bastard comes running by he gets attacked by the player with a ready action.

Now...if the greater mobility person had a reach weapon and the PCs had no range or reach weapons that could be a potential problem.
SetWorshipper wrote:
If someone was using hit and run tactics, a player could ready action vs. an attack/approach. When the Greater Mobility bastard comes running by he gets attacked by the player with a ready action.

That's a good tactic, but there's a feat called Greater Uncanny Dodge which IIRC negates ready actions if you win Initiative. Now imagine a Greater Mobility & Greater Uncanny Dodge Vanir with a bardiche who wins Initiative. If this works like I suppose it does... :twisted:

Now...if the greater mobility person had a reach weapon and the PCs had no range or reach weapons that could be a potential problem.
Hehe, haven't thought of it, thanks for your wicked idea.
Maximo said:
If a character has Greater Mobility and wins Initiative, can he move, hit a foe and then move out of his reach again so he can never be hit (provided that he has enough base movement and his foe can't move that much)?
It would be prety hard to get your base movement that high ... but the answer is yes.

Assuming that your opponent is prevented from using the charge action, and does not have a reach weapon, then the minimum ammount of your base move has to be: opponent's base move + distance you are from your opponent + 5'

And just how do you plan to keep him from charging anyway?

What would happen if he loses Initiative? Would his foe be able to delay his attack against him until he comes into range? How would the static defender readying an action affect this situation?
Yes, the opponent can ready a single attack with the condition "when a foe comes into my reach". Then, when the Barb enters the foe's threatened area the ready action is triggered, interupting the barb's action, the ready action is resolved, and the barb continues his action (if he can)

Now if the opponent readys a trip attack ....

And last but not least, would a character with Greater Mobility & Greater Uncanny Dodge & enough base movement (w/ Fleet Footed if needed) to move in & out of his foe's reach be able to attack without retaliation whenever he gains Initiative?
For the first round, yes.

Hope that help.
argo wrote:
It would be prety hard to get your base movement that high ... but the answer is yes
To clarify it a bit, I was thinking of a situation where the Barbarian has some Fleet Footed feats (perhaps even the three maximum) and his foe is armoured (which lowers his movement a bit) and doesn't have fleet footed.
It won't happen all the time, but if a barbarian gets the appropiate feats, it won't be that uncommon for him to face slow armoured foes, IMHO.

Thank you a lot for your answer, argo. When it comes to game mechanics... they should make you Rulesmaster or something like that. :wink: