Hi all,
One thing has always bothered me about all of the Traveller maps (Atlas of the Imperium, etc), in my humble opinion, Goldilocks worlds (Size 7 - 9, Atmosphere 6, Hydrographic 5 - 7) should be the ones with the biggest populations and they should be the local economic hubs, mainly because they are "shirt-sleeve" worlds where people can live without vast and expensive technological supports.
Of course, there will always be systems that are just in the "right place" (i.e at the intersection of key trade routes or choke points) that will grow and become hi-population systems regardless of their size, atmosphere or hydrographics.
I realize that the UWPs were largely generated randomly. However, I wish that once the size, atmosphere and hydrographics had been generated, then some human intervention had been applied to the data set. To me, this would have resulted in the Goldilocks worlds having the largest populations and likely the highest technology. The X-boat jump routes should have then been developed accordingly.
This is all water under the bridge. The UWPs have been published and become canon. It is largely impossible to change it now.
I just felt like ranting today.
Have a great day!
- Kerry
One thing has always bothered me about all of the Traveller maps (Atlas of the Imperium, etc), in my humble opinion, Goldilocks worlds (Size 7 - 9, Atmosphere 6, Hydrographic 5 - 7) should be the ones with the biggest populations and they should be the local economic hubs, mainly because they are "shirt-sleeve" worlds where people can live without vast and expensive technological supports.
Of course, there will always be systems that are just in the "right place" (i.e at the intersection of key trade routes or choke points) that will grow and become hi-population systems regardless of their size, atmosphere or hydrographics.
I realize that the UWPs were largely generated randomly. However, I wish that once the size, atmosphere and hydrographics had been generated, then some human intervention had been applied to the data set. To me, this would have resulted in the Goldilocks worlds having the largest populations and likely the highest technology. The X-boat jump routes should have then been developed accordingly.
This is all water under the bridge. The UWPs have been published and become canon. It is largely impossible to change it now.
I just felt like ranting today.
Have a great day!
- Kerry