I agree that the cost of an MI army appears to be a lot less than a comparable GW army, and that overall the prices appear reasonable (or more than reasonable in the case of the main game). And I know that cost is always relative (ie charge what the market will bear and all that).
Byt that still doesn't mean that 8 plastic guys should cost £15. There are two possibilities here; either GW are subsidising the cost of the Cadian box in a bid to get people to play a Guard army (and monkeys might fly out of my butt). Or Mongoose realise that people will need to buy relatively few CAP Trooper box sets (maybe 2 over what you get in the box) and realise they need to maximise their profit on the license.
Don't misunderstand me; this is the way things go and I accept that. But, the fact is that the minis are overpriced for what they are...
But I'm still going to buy lots, I've no doubt...