I'm currently considering a line of OGL Horror scenarios.
Modern-day setting, investigative-style, designed to fit into an ongoing campaign (background provided to assemble the PCs as an official group to do this) and as standalone scenarios a GM can slot into an existing campaign (along with notes on how to do this if you're not using our "official" campaign setting)
There may also be some opportunities here for prospective writers and artists looking to get their work published - feel free to get in touch with me about this (a handy email button is at the end of this post). I'm especially interested in talking to anyone who has some great ideas but knows their work will require heavy editing to get it into shape to be published.
More importantly, though, I'd like to know what the demand for this kind of thing would be. Price estimate is about US$5 for a 32-page PDF, $8.50 for the printed version.
Modern-day setting, investigative-style, designed to fit into an ongoing campaign (background provided to assemble the PCs as an official group to do this) and as standalone scenarios a GM can slot into an existing campaign (along with notes on how to do this if you're not using our "official" campaign setting)
There may also be some opportunities here for prospective writers and artists looking to get their work published - feel free to get in touch with me about this (a handy email button is at the end of this post). I'm especially interested in talking to anyone who has some great ideas but knows their work will require heavy editing to get it into shape to be published.
More importantly, though, I'd like to know what the demand for this kind of thing would be. Price estimate is about US$5 for a 32-page PDF, $8.50 for the printed version.