Suggested Equipment lists for Careers?


Emperor Mongoose
So, I’ll be running a Traveller game at an upcoming conference and although I could just use Pre-Gens, I thought it would enhance the players’ appreciation of a significant feature of the game system to give them a crack at doing the life path character generation process. However, it can be time consuming so I am looking at ways to speed it up in a few ways.

I have noticed that, when characters muster out, they get a chance to earn some Credits which they can then spend some of it by looking through the Catalogue. While this is fun for some players in a full campaign, it would be a lot quicker and easier for players to just be given a list of likely equipment packages associated with each Career so they could spend in bulk. However, what is the likely or default or suggested basic equipment of each Career? And, if we list them, could they be included as suggestion boxes (with accumulated costs in Credits) in future Traveller Core Rules printings?

Agent - Army - Citizen - Drifter - Entertainer - Marine - Merchant - Navy - Noble - Rogue - Scholar - Scout

So, as an example, to kick this off:

Agent Suggested Equipment - Autopistol, Stunstick, Cloth Armour (TL10), Mobile Comm (Computer 1), Binoculars, Forensics Toolkit, Fake ID, Credit Stick. Total cost estimate - 4000Cr.
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I liked when a Fantasy game I played some time ago had a basic pack that was given to each new character.

So, I admit I like your idea as well. :) (y)
I tend to base starting equipment on the actual skills the characters started with and the nature of the campaign (aka the type of crew the players wanted to be) rather than tying it to careers specifically. Careers would flavor what they got, but it would come down to skills first.
Skill based, current planet, ambition, and where and what you expect to do next.

Shotgun, semi automatic pistol, bowie knife.

Burner phone(s).

The equipment list you made is a good starting point. Though Army and Marine should have access to some sort of rifle, such as an ACR.

Oh, and teachers should have FGMPs to deal with the idiots who suggest that they are capable of indoctrinating their students.
If they have an smart refrigerator telling you what groceries need to be bought, you can have a smart ship's locker, telling you the same thing.
To the OP:
Just a couple of questions:
- Is this a one-off or the possible start of a campaign?
- Does the starting adventure require any specific equipment?

I would suggest allowing some personal choice in the gear list and maybe make it more generic.
What I would do is this:
[note: 'x' = 'within your adventure parameters']

All choices limited to TL [x], LL [x] and Cr [x] value. No cash refunds. Players may pay for extra features out of starting funds.
- 1 Armor appropriate to career [Belters and Scouts are kinda picky about their vacc suits, for example]
- 1 Weapon appropriate to career [Must have minimum Rank 0 ] w/ [x] rounds standard [ball] ammo
- 1 Kit appropriate to career [tool kit, forensic kit, scientific kit, medical kit, etc.]
- 1 Commo 'phone' with Agent: Range [x], Encrypted [or not] etc.

I would make sure that nothing will 'break' the adventure. For example, while a Combat Environment Suit might be legal on a given world, the police are gonna take a dim view of someone walking around in one. You may muster out with an ACR, but you can't get a table in restaurant while carrying it, etc.
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The equipment list you made is a good starting point. Though Army and Marine should have access to some sort of rifle, such as an ACR.

Oh, and teachers should have FGMPs to deal with the idiots who suggest that they are capable of indoctrinating their students.
Since you brought it up... Then Citizens should be equipped with Molotov cocktails, since those people with FGMPs will accuse them of being terrorists for objecting to pornography in elementary libraries and mentally ill boys raping their daughters in their locker rooms. Because if you didn't notice, that's why the doctor who talked about aborting babies after they were born is no longer in office.

Happy New Year. Looking forward to a return to sanity throughout the world as globalist influence diminishes and the warmongers of all ideologies are kicked to the curb. And let us not get this thread closed by further discussing zealots actively fantasizing about immolating those here who disagree with them, using a nuclear powered flame thrower no less, in spite of the evidence being heavily against the zealots.
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Adhesive bandages, Medikit (TL 12), Trauma Pack, Anti-rad meds, Mobile Comm (TL 10).

Since you brought it up... Then Citizens should be equipped with Molotov cocktails, since those people with FGMPs will accuse them of being terrorists for objecting to pornography in elementary libraries and mentally ill boys raping their daughters in their locker rooms. Because if you didn't notice, that's why the doctor who talked about aborting babies after they were born is no longer in office.

Happy New Year. Looking forward to a return to sanity throughout the world as globalist influence diminishes and the warmongers of all ideologies are kicked to the curb. And let us not get this thread closed by further discussing zealots actively fantasizing about immolating those here who disagree with them, using a nuclear powered flame thrower no less, in spite of the evidence being heavily against the zealots.

Let's add a filter ability for psionic characters that will alert them to someone who's been indoctrinated so thoroughly that they react like this ... "person."
Let's add a filter ability for psionic characters that will alert them to someone who's been indoctrinated so thoroughly that they react like this ... "person."

Seems a perfectly normal reaction to someone openly fantasizing about burning people who disagree with them.
Seems a perfectly normal reaction to someone openly fantasizing about burning people who disagree with them.

Let's just remember that all I said was,"hey, let's make a teacher career for Traveller!"
At which point you jumped down my throat with some alt right fantasy about teachers indoctrinating children. You're STILL jumping down my throat, and since you're now personally attacking me AGAIN, I'm reporting you.
I never jumped down your throat. I assumed you were a reasonable person and was assuring you that I was not talking about you, but you proved that you were not the reasonable person I thought you were, going off on a rage and trying to get me banned for daring to disagree with you. (Oh the horror of heretical (independent) thought.)
Now you post about your fantasy of taking a nuclear powered flame thrower to people who disagree with you. Good luck with reporting that, since you were the ones posting threatening material.
I never jumped down your throat. I assumed you were a reasonable person and was assuring you that I was not talking about you, but you proved that you were not the reasonable person I thought you were, going off on a rage and trying to get me banned for daring to disagree with you. (Oh the horror of heretical (independent) thought.)
Now you post about your fantasy of taking a nuclear powered flame thrower to people who disagree with you. Good luck with reporting that, since you were the ones posting threatening material.

You keep jumping down my throat! Stop It!