Darrian 'Elves'


Emperor Mongoose
OK, one of the most intriguing races in Charted Space to me has always been the Daryen, or Darrians.
A culture that damned near committed suicide that climbs the ladder back up to star-faring civilization and isn't permanently and negatively traumatized is something rather unique in Traveller.
But where the Hell did this idea that a Darrian and a DnD elf were the same freaking thing? Nobody ever called Vulcans or Romulans 'space elves' because of their ears and I can identify nothing in Daryen culture that's particularly 'elfie'.
So what's up with this nonsense?

Conversely, so many people seem fascinated by the sexist and somewhat idiotic Sword Worlder 'space viking' nonsense. Even H. Beam Piper portrayed that society as not having a lot of longevity. It has a lot more to do with Kirk Douglas screaming 'OH-diiiiin!' as he falls off a tower.
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The old Darrian source book had them tall, thin with pointy ears, and in possession of "magical" TL 16 secrets.
The Sword World material, especially from Mongoose 1e, leaned heavily on the Nordic aspect and their "Old Gods"
Also, longevity, Sword World diet helps high END people live longer, while killing off the weak. (I know you meant society-wise, but I couldn't help it.)
So who perpetrated these notions?
Traveller writers.