Emperor Mongoose
I like to tell Trekkies that Deanna Troi's real job is to constantly read Picard's mind and execute him at the first sign of disloyalty. They get so upset.Betazoids. The Federation has already been reeducated.
I like to tell Trekkies that Deanna Troi's real job is to constantly read Picard's mind and execute him at the first sign of disloyalty. They get so upset.Betazoids. The Federation has already been reeducated.
Suerrat - dwarf or hobbit?
Luriani - mermen?
Are you suggesting that the Ithklur would be anything other than completely earnest? I'm sure everything they say is truthful and not in any way designed to screw with us.But I didn't really get disturbed until Ithklur-Claus
If it's any consolation, it probably makes more sense for it to be mangled than not. It's the far future and they're constructing something that isn't actually based in authenticity. Really, the Sword Worlders are doing exactly what I just did in the previous post -- taking a vague silhouette and applying it to their new creation. They like to say they're recreating Icelandic sagas or Scandinavian homesteader virtues but really they're just incorporating something vaguely Terran Northern European into their new culture as a supposed solid link to their roots. Their homebrew setting is faux-Norse with liftings from Old Earth Union military virtues, deliberate not-Darrianisms and implicitly the Aslan (they spent a few years transiting Aslan space to become the Sword Worlders).Also horrified every time I see how they manage to mangle the Scandinavian languages to make their 'Sagamaal'. Could they not afford one Scandi proof-reader?![]()
Also horrified every time I see how they manage to mangle the Scandinavian languages to make their 'Sagamaal'. Could they not afford one Scandi proof-reader?![]()
My wife took a lot of graphic design classes in college and one of her favorite assignments was designing HAZMAT symbols for a future civilization with no ties to our own. Same kind of thing.But remember they are creating a language that will exist 3500 years in the future that has absorbed and been influenced by other Terran and non-Terran languages (including German and French and possibly some Spanish if you look at the names of the naval ranks and also the names of some of their Merchant Lines going back to CT), and that entirely apart from its own independent native linguistic evolution.
Anglo-Saxon, Middle-English, and Modern English are all English (and Anglo-Saxon itself evolved from an earlier NW Coastal Common Germanic Language), and if I were to put an Anglo-Saxon text in front of an Englsh speaking non-Scholar (or even have it read aloud), he would be lost. Even Middle English would likely be very slow reading with lots of confusion and misunderstanding.
And the modern descendants of the NW Coastal Germanic Languages: Platt-Deutsch, Dutch, Flemish, and English (and also the Danish and Norwegian tongues, derived from the Old Norse North Germanic that influenced them) are today mutually incomprehensible.
It is best to consider Sagmaal asa future language loosely based on modern Scandinavian (etc al) in general, just as Rule of Man era Anglic is likely different from Modern English, to say nothing of Imperial era Galanglic (both of which are known to have significant French and Vilani influence, and likely Spanish as well).
There's an inborn fallacy in that though. Casually judging an alien race by appearance alone gets you Aslan vehicles that look like something out of Thundercats and Vargr weapons with sighting systems that look like dog heads.It is just shorthand, really. Tolkienesque Elves are a recognisable trope and so, if you want a quick way to refer to Darrians in a casual gamer context it is simple enough.
I like to think that some Sword Worlders believe those old stories (or the forms they're familiar with) to be historical truth. A Sword Worlder traveller reaching Terra might be asking where the historical site of Pelennor Fields is, and going on about those lost Geonee colonies on pre-Jump Terra in the Blue Mountains.Given some of the sword world systems are named after Tolkien swords, cultures being derived from Tolkien is already firmly embedded.
I like to think that some Sword Worlders believe those old stories (or the forms they're familiar with) to be historical truth. A Sword Worlder traveller reaching Terra might be asking where the historical site of Pelennor Fields is, and going on about those lost Geonee colonies on pre-Jump Terra in the Blue Mountains.
And some modern Arthurian fiction plays it that way - including a series of murder mysteries...There was probably a real military war-leader of some sort behind the figure of Arthur who staved off Germanic invasion of Brittania after the departure of the Legions in the 5th Century