Darrian 'Elves'

And the modern descendants of the NW Coastal Germanic Languages: Platt-Deutsch, Dutch, Flemish, and English (and also the Danish and Norwegian tongues, derived from the Old Norse North Germanic that influenced them) are today mutually incomprehensible.
Mostly right. Except for Plattdeutsch and Dutch. At least some dialects are so close to Dutch that they can understand each other. They will not discuss philosophy but haggling on a market or watching the Dutch Equivalent to TJ Hooker and Großstadtrevier is doable
Darrians are "elves" in the loose pop-culture archetypical sense. Physically lithe, intellectual, a little holier-than-thou, skilled at war though holding it in low regard, "higher" (in a technological rather than magical or spiritual sense, in this case), and pointy ears.

Calling them "space elves" is just short-hand for the loose collection of ideas that would help someone with no exposure to Traveller understand them. It's like calling Aslan cat people, K'kree horse-people, Ithklur "lizards" and Bwaps "newts" (which is an in-universe thing, at that).

Geonee are dwarves, by the same logic. Short, stocky, stubborn, known for their engineering, only the men are seen out and about; they even have the Llyrnians to cover the "tunnelling deep" aspect.

It's like a vague silhouette that the race/culture in question can fit, as an initial attempt to get a grip on them, before you come to understand who/what they are. If someone asked, "who are these Aslan, then?", I could give an overview, but it's easier to say "proud warrior race cat people". If someone asks who the Darrians are, I might say "scholarly human race, space elves".

The Thoughtless Guide to Traveller Factions:

Vilani: Hyper-conservative control freaks; fallen empire
Solomani: Reckless, innovative nationalists; breakaway province
Zhodani: Thought Police Utopia
Aslan: Proud Warrior Race cat-people
Vargr: Chaotic pirate dog-people
Droyne: Psychic winged lizards suspiciously under the radar
Hiver: Manipulative land-starfish
K'kree: Militant vegetarian horse-people
Darrian: Space elves
Sword Worlder: Viking LARP
Luriani: Hot-blooded quasi-Polynesians
Geonee: Dwarves
Suerrat: Hirsute tree-lovers
Hhkar: Dragon-people
Virushi: Pacifist rhino-people
Ithklur: Cheerful psychotic lizard-people
Gurvin: Money-obsessed mink-people
Bwaps: Bureaucratic newt-people
Vegans: Willowy ETs
Dolphins: Dolphins.
Ursa: It's a talking bear. Humans made a talking bear, because you know what those other, more powerful humans don't have? Talking bears.

I can't believe you didn't include the Tezcat!
Not that it really matters; I've been told that once a Dutch person knows your milk language is English they will not even let you try to speak Dutch to them, because they want to practice their English.
True story.
Back in the 80s when I was stationed in Germany, our German girlfriends would want to speak English to us so they could get conversational American down. Some of us, myself included wanted to try to expand our very basic 'Straßedeutsch' German. So, impasse.
Until a bunch of us starting speaking 'English' when our girlfriends were present by doing Monty Python skits....
"What's the difference in a duck, true or false?', that type of crap.
JESUS they got mad at us :D :ROFLMAO::p
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