Greg Smith
USS Washington (North Carolina class) 800 points
Trento 130
Bolzano (Trento class) 130
Luigi di Savoia (Duca degli Abruzzi-class) 110
Zara 150
Pola (Zara class) 150
Attilo Regolo (Capitani Romani class) 65
Scipio Africano (Capitani Romani class) 65
This game was to try out cruisers vs a big battleship. With 6+ armour and armoured deck, light cruisers weren’t going to able to scratch it with their guns, so heavy cruisers and torpedoes were the order of the day for the Italians.
On turn one the Italians began to close on the big American ship. The two light cruisers came straight towards it. But the Americans A and B turrets belched forth destruction, and despite the Italians speed, the Scipio Africano was crippled. The rear turret mere scratched the paintwork on the other small, fast cruiser. The bigger Italian cruisers landing pin-pick hits on the American, but every point of damage was a potential critical.
On the second turn, the American battleship received a couple of critical hits – to the engine and crew. The Italian’s speed saved them from much further damage.
On turn three things took a turn for the dramatic. The Attilo Regolo sped in and turned alongside the battleship for a torpedo strike. It launched all of its torpedoes. And missed! With the little cruiser now unable to damage the big ship, the Americans left it alone and fired on the Luigi di Savoia, blasting her out of the water with a Catastrophic Explosion. The gunners of the remaining Italian ships were obviously so shocked, they failed to land a single damaging hit on the Americans for the rest of the turn.
And so the game progressed. The Italians did single points of damage to the big battleship and gradually increased the critical levels. While in return the big guns blasted apart ship after ship. The Bolsano missed a torpedo run and a the Americans scored a second Catastrophic Explosion.
In the end the battleship had taken 26 points of damage and had taken about 10 critcals during the game, although repaired 6 of them.
The Italians suffered from poor dice, lack of torpedo range, and struggling to repair criticals. With just 8” range, the Italians had to get within 4” to even hit with torpedoes, while similar British cruisers would have been at point blank at 4”.
Cruisers can’t easily take on Battlehips.
Oh, and Italian torpedos suck!
We have three very different suggestions for this.
1. Allow light guns to inflict superficial damage to weakly armoured, deck mounted equipment – torpedoes, light guns, radar and so on. We realise this would be big change to the game at this late stage and would probably add too much detail and slow the game.
2. Add some form of restriction to battleships when fleet building. Examples: For every Battleship, you must purchase 2 cruisers and 2 destroyers. Or more simply you cannot spend more then half of your points on battleships.
3. Double the points of battleships. Although this doesn’t change the fact that light cruisers still can’t harm them.
Personally I think no.2 is the best option.
USS Washington (North Carolina class) 800 points
Trento 130
Bolzano (Trento class) 130
Luigi di Savoia (Duca degli Abruzzi-class) 110
Zara 150
Pola (Zara class) 150
Attilo Regolo (Capitani Romani class) 65
Scipio Africano (Capitani Romani class) 65
This game was to try out cruisers vs a big battleship. With 6+ armour and armoured deck, light cruisers weren’t going to able to scratch it with their guns, so heavy cruisers and torpedoes were the order of the day for the Italians.
On turn one the Italians began to close on the big American ship. The two light cruisers came straight towards it. But the Americans A and B turrets belched forth destruction, and despite the Italians speed, the Scipio Africano was crippled. The rear turret mere scratched the paintwork on the other small, fast cruiser. The bigger Italian cruisers landing pin-pick hits on the American, but every point of damage was a potential critical.
On the second turn, the American battleship received a couple of critical hits – to the engine and crew. The Italian’s speed saved them from much further damage.
On turn three things took a turn for the dramatic. The Attilo Regolo sped in and turned alongside the battleship for a torpedo strike. It launched all of its torpedoes. And missed! With the little cruiser now unable to damage the big ship, the Americans left it alone and fired on the Luigi di Savoia, blasting her out of the water with a Catastrophic Explosion. The gunners of the remaining Italian ships were obviously so shocked, they failed to land a single damaging hit on the Americans for the rest of the turn.
And so the game progressed. The Italians did single points of damage to the big battleship and gradually increased the critical levels. While in return the big guns blasted apart ship after ship. The Bolsano missed a torpedo run and a the Americans scored a second Catastrophic Explosion.
In the end the battleship had taken 26 points of damage and had taken about 10 critcals during the game, although repaired 6 of them.
The Italians suffered from poor dice, lack of torpedo range, and struggling to repair criticals. With just 8” range, the Italians had to get within 4” to even hit with torpedoes, while similar British cruisers would have been at point blank at 4”.
Cruisers can’t easily take on Battlehips.
Oh, and Italian torpedos suck!
We have three very different suggestions for this.
1. Allow light guns to inflict superficial damage to weakly armoured, deck mounted equipment – torpedoes, light guns, radar and so on. We realise this would be big change to the game at this late stage and would probably add too much detail and slow the game.
2. Add some form of restriction to battleships when fleet building. Examples: For every Battleship, you must purchase 2 cruisers and 2 destroyers. Or more simply you cannot spend more then half of your points on battleships.
3. Double the points of battleships. Although this doesn’t change the fact that light cruisers still can’t harm them.
Personally I think no.2 is the best option.