Campaign fleet allocation


I'm in the process of putting together a fleet roster for a SFoS campaign (about which, btw, I'm wildly exited). We're using the armageddon fighter tweak, plus more rules as we get access to the book.

I have a couple questions. First, looking at p 26 of SFoS, there's a guide to breaking down battle level priority points that allows for 1 raid and 2 skirmish, but no breakdown for patrol level ships. Is this an oversight, or can one not purchase patrol ships with battle points?

Second, for those of you with access to armageddon, are the avenger carriers included in the 3rd age (or whatever the "middle" EA list is) in armageddon? I note that they are withdrawn from service in 2261, and many of the "next generation" ships, like the apollo don't emerge until 2262. Does this mean that if I want to anticipate the upcoming lists, I can't run an apollo and an avenger in the same campaign?

If you're using the SFoS list you need to pay attention to the in-service date.

If you're using the Armaggedon 3rd age list, I suppose you still do, but a lot of the "new" stuff isn't on the 3rd age list despite the in service dates given being well within the time span of the 3rd age list. Oh well.
In SFOS rules, Battle points can only be broken into 2 Raid, 3 Skirmish, 4 Patrol or 1 Raid+2 Skirmish. That changes in Armageddon.

Avenger is in 3rd age yes, it is a battle level ship with fleet carrier. In early years it is Raid, without fleet carrier. Apollo is only in Crusade, so no you can't use them both in the same fleet in Armageddon rules.

Thanks guys. So I either mix 'n match, or drop an Apollo in favour of a couple sags.

Cheers. I'll post a provisional list later today for mockery . . . I mean, commentary.


Let me get this straight. Sags only exist in the Early Years list, and the Apollo is only available in the crusade list. So, what does the EA fleet use as missile chuckers in the 3rd Age?

If there are no dedicated missile platforms in the third age, isn't that kind of a shaft for the list? From what I can gather, missiles are one of EAs real strengths. They lack the beams to go toe to toe with minnies or centauri, but lack the armour for a stand-off against, say, Narn. Missiles, with their range and crit potential, seem to provide a solution for both.

So, what's a potential 3rd age player to do?

Missiles aren't the only strength of EA. They have fighters, reasonably robust hulls with interceptors, good all-round fire.
Hermes and Olympuses are the ships that excel at chucking out missiles in the Third Age fleet. Not a great variety I know, and certainly not dedicated missile throwers, but you could do could be Minbari :p

So, here's what I'm toying with for an upcoming campaign. It will be EA (me), Narn, Centauri, and limited participation from Drazi.

I tried to keep things flexible, with plenty of Raid level ships, and the option to run both high and low priority forces. I was sorely tempted to take a warlock in addition to the Poseidon, but resisted. There's also a broad mix of ships, as I'll be using the campaign to get a sense of which of the fleet eras I'll end up wanting to collect (at first). I took both the Ap0llo and the Avenger for this reason, but I suppose if there's a purist in the group I can sub the Apollo for something else. Let me know what you think.

B5ACTA Fleet List (SFoS): 10 point Battle

Poseidon-class Super Carrier – War Priority, 2 FAP

Apollo-class Bombardment Cruiser – Battle Priority, 1 FAP (3)

Omega-class Pulse Cruiser Destroyer – Battle Priority, 1 FAP (4)

Avenger-class Heavy Carrier – Battle Priority, 1 FAP (5)

Hyperion-class Cruiser – Raid Priority, 1 FAP (6)
Hyperion-class Cruiser – Raid Priority

Nova-class Dreadnaught – Raid Priority, 1 FAP (7)
Nova-class Dreadnaught – Raid Priority

Sagittarius-class Missile Cruiser – Raid Priority, 1 FAP (8)
Sagittarius-class Missile Cruiser – Raid Priority

Chronos-class Attack Frigate – Raid Priority, 1 FAP (9)
Olympus-class Corvette – Skirmish Priority
Olympus-class Corvette – Skirmish Priority,

Hermes-class Transport – Patrol Priority, 1 FAP (10)
Hermes-class Transport – Patrol Priority
Hermes-class Transport – Patrol Priority
Hermes-class Transport – Patrol Priority

Pretty good list, a tad light on beams.

You are using the armegeddon fighter sequence so interceptors should be depleted for you missles, but I still tend to favor the heavy beams over the hand full of dice at battle. IE the pulse Omega is nice but I would go regular flavor as I feel the Hyperion is too light on damage to survive against the beam teams.

Who are your opponent races?

I would also agree with Ripple. The standard Omega is a much heavier hitter with its beams, and is probably more useful to you then the pulse variant. Especially when teamed with an Apollo.

Minor update: we've decided to run the campaign in 2260. This cuts out the next generation ships like the Chronos and Apollo, but does give me access to the Tbolt. I figure I'll start out with starfuries, but sub in some tbolts as the campaign progresses (as reinforcements).

Opponents will primarily be Centauri and Narn, with some Drazi. I swapped the Apollo for an Omega, and the Chronos for a pulse Hyperion. While I get that the Novas represent a solid core of pulse weaponry, I wanted an available mix of weapons at each priority - so there's as wide a mix of pulse, missile, and beam at as many PLs as possible. I also like the amount of dice the pulse variant throws to its forward arc.

Updated list is:

B5ACTA Fleet List (SFoS): 10 point Battle , circa 2260

EAS Nereid: Poseidon-class Super Carrier – War Priority, 2 FAP

EAS Ajax: Omega-class Heavy Destroyer – Battle Priority, 1 FAP (3)

EAS Agamemnon: Omega-class Pulse Cruiser Destroyer – Battle Priority, 1 FAP (4)

EAS Achilles: Avenger-class Heavy Carrier – Battle Priority, 1 FAP (5)

EAS Andromeda: Hyperion-class Cruiser – Raid Priority, 1 FAP (6)
EAS Thetis: Hyperion-class Cruiser – Raid Priority

EAS Medea: Nova-class Dreadnaught – Raid Priority, 1 FAP (7)
EAS Argos: Nova-class Dreadnaught – Raid Priority

EAS Castor: Sagittarius-class Missile Cruiser – Raid Priority, 1 FAP (8)
EAS Pollux: Sagittarius-class Missile Cruiser – Raid Priority

EAS Bellerophon: Hyperion-class Pulse Cruiser – Raid Priority, 1 FAP (9)
EAS Gorgon: Olympus-class Corvette – Skirmish Priority
EAS Medusa: Olympus-class Corvette – Skirmish Priority

EAS Perseus: Hermes-class Transport – Patrol Priority, 1 FAP (10)
EAS Atlas: Hermes-class Transport – Patrol Priority
EAS Cyrene: Hermes-class Transport – Patrol Priority
EAS Daedelus: Hermes-class Transport – Patrol Priority
Looks ok. Remember the short range of the pulse variants of the Hyperion and Omega. Cover them as they approach and hope the Centauri don't blast you to bits before you get in range.

Nice names. 8)

Yep, the plan is to assign beams and missiles vs. Narn, and pulse and missiles vs. Centauri. The few games I played vs. Cens suggest that it is difficult to out-beam them.

You need to push in fast to get your guns in range. Centauri beams will destroy you at range. Once the matter cannons and twin arrays open up your interceptors will help you, but the beams laugh at your defences. Oh how they laugh...

I'll be taking on FMB (and others) in this campaign. I'll be playing the dastardly Centauri :twisted: I plan to use this fleet:

note. CBN = Centauri Bellum Navis (Centauri War Ship)

CBN Equus Optimus: Octurion - War Priority, 2 FAP

CBN Gladius: Secundus - Battle Priority, 1 FAP (3)

CBN Audentia: Primus - Battle Priority, 2 FAP (5)
CBN Quasso: Primus - Battle Priority

CBN Jugis: Magnus - Raid Priority, 1 FAP (6)
CBN Macellarius: Magnus - Raid Priority

CBN Scaccarium: Sulust - Raid Priority, 1 FAP (7)
CBN Telum Alacer: Sulust - Raid Priority

CBN Pallium Nox: Dargan - Raid Priority, 1.5 FAP (8.5)
CBN Debello: Dargan - Raid Priority
CBN Barba Scaber: Dargan - Raid Priority

CBN Muris Celebrus: Maximus - Skirmish Priority, 1 FAP (9.5)
CBN Valiturus: Maximus - Skirmish Priority
CBN Xiphias: Maximus - Skirmish Priority

CBN Occultus: Corvan - Patrol Priority, .5 FAP (10)
CBN Oculus Eximius: Corvan - Patrol Priority

I'm not sure if the Octurian is worth it...I could have two more Primus, but it's rather cool, and hey I'll need an obvious flagship being Centauri it's only natural to flaunt your houses' wealth and power :)
Boots said:
I'm not sure if the Octurian is worth it...I could have two more Primus, but it's rather cool, and hey I'll need an obvious flagship being Centauri it's only natural to flaunt your houses' wealth and power :)

Plus, it'll make a nice big target for missiles . . . :twisted:

Boots said:

I'll be taking on FMB (and others) in this campaign. I'll be playing the dastardly Centauri :twisted: I plan to use this fleet:

note. CBN = Centauri Bellum Navis (Centauri War Ship)

CBN Equus Optimus: Octurion - War Priority, 2 FAP

CBN Gladius: Secundus - Battle Priority, 1 FAP (3)

CBN Audentia: Primus - Battle Priority, 2 FAP (5)
CBN Quasso: Primus - Battle Priority

CBN Jugis: Magnus - Raid Priority, 1 FAP (6)
CBN Macellarius: Magnus - Raid Priority

CBN Scaccarium: Sulust - Raid Priority, 1 FAP (7)
CBN Telum Alacer: Sulust - Raid Priority

CBN Pallium Nox: Dargan - Raid Priority, 1.5 FAP (8.5)
CBN Debello: Dargan - Raid Priority
CBN Barba Scaber: Dargan - Raid Priority

CBN Muris Celebrus: Maximus - Skirmish Priority, 1 FAP (9.5)
CBN Valiturus: Maximus - Skirmish Priority
CBN Xiphias: Maximus - Skirmish Priority

CBN Occultus: Corvan - Patrol Priority, .5 FAP (10)
CBN Oculus Eximius: Corvan - Patrol Priority

I'm not sure if the Octurian is worth it...I could have two more Primus, but it's rather cool, and hey I'll need an obvious flagship being Centauri it's only natural to flaunt your houses' wealth and power :)

1st. What is a Centauri Bellum Navis (Centauri War Ship) This ship is a B5 book?

2nd I will prefer to use a Darkner better than a Maximus, the darkner has batterlaser.
Hi alien027,

Centauri Bellum Navis is just something I made up kinda like EAS = Earth Alliance Ship; so CBN = Centauri Bellum Navis.

Agreed the Darkner has better weps than a Maximus but, The Max is a fantastic "grunt" ship. I have a nice few Battle Lasers in my fleet already. The Maxs' job will be to setup the heavy hitters with some hope of surviving the inital furball.