Call to Arms tournament at NashCon 2012

Hi Scoutdad! Is there an official "signup sheet" for the tourney or the big game Friday night? I am trying to modify my schedule so I can attend but wanted to know if there was still space avaiable for the SF events.

What are the plans if the Kzinti arent out yet? Ive been using my NSL ships for them in our friendly games but dont expect that to fly at a tourney. Worse case scenario, I can use Mckinstry's Klingons (he dosent know yet, but he will be very happy to let me borrow them :) ).

Also, did you say that the tourney tables were going to be 4x4?

All the evens look great...I hope I can pull this off.

There is no official sign-up yet, but I can tell you that there will not be a limit to the number of players that can participate in either of the Friday / Sunday events.
I'm hoping that HMGS gets a sign-up sheet going soon, but if not - I may do my own for hte tourney. Trying to limit it to 16 people (due to time constraints), but only have 10 confirmed to this point (and pone of those is me... so I'll drop out if necessary and just supervise), so I don't think there will be a problem.

The Battle for Kh'rtis Rock will be played on an 8' x 4' map.
The tourney games will be played on 4' x 4' maps.
King of the World (Sunday) will be played on a 6' x 4' map.

Ifthe Kzinit are not out, I am allowing the use of Starline 2400 minis in this event.
I will also have my minis there if some are needed, but htey will be first come, first served so i can't gaurentee how mnay will actually be available.
It's not there et.
The one first posted was from last year.

When they realized their mistake, they took it down.
I hope the new one will be up soon.
The NashCon 2012 tournament package is now complete.
I hope to get it uploaded by the Nashcon crew sometime this week, but in teh meantime - feel free to email me at the address in my profiel and I'll send you a copy of it.

Be advised though, I "borrowed" heavily from the Mongoose tournament package. :roll:
scoutdad said:
Be advised though, I "borrowed" heavily from the Mongoose tournament package. :roll:

You, "Ahem", borrowed heavily from Mongoose, did you ask first :shock:

If a couple of big heavy set types with rough British accents and cheap suits with overcoats turn up and say they want a word with you, in private, right now.

RUN AWAY :wink: :lol:
Just to let all attendees know that I've donated 16 of my firing arc stickers for use as a prize in the Nashcon tournament, just like I did for the official Mongoose tournament later this month.
billclo said:
Just to let all attendees know that I've donated 16 of my firing arc stickers for use as a prize in the Nashcon tournament, just like I did for the official Mongoose tournament later this month.

True, Bill has graciously donated a set of his vinyl base stickers as a prize.
Mongoose has also been extremely generous in donating a prize, as has ADB.

All in all, there are some great awards to be given to the winners, so come on out and lets blow up some ships!
Tony, I look forward to seeing your AAR of the monster 60-ship game.

I'm trying to decide how big to make my game in November, and I'm not sure how big I ought to go for a 8-hour timeslot. Tentative OOB is about 15-18 ships per side.