Call to Arms tournament at NashCon 2012


I just received confirmation from the organizers at NashCon 2012 thatI have been approved to run an A Call To Arms: Star Fleet tournament there. In addition, I would like to schedule one or two non-tourney games and/or a new comers demo session.

There are six 4 hour gaming sessions alotted for the weekend:
Friday - 1pm to 5pm & 7pm to midnight
Saturday - 8am to Noon,1pm to 5pm & 7pm to midnight
Sunday - 8am to Noon

two 1,000 points games per player should theoretically be completed in a single, 4-hour session.

With the space alloted, I can set-up three 4x4 maps at the same time.
The big question is how many people are interested in attending?

Registration is $30 for the entire three days and the the hotel has a special Nashcon rate ($109 per night, including two breakfast buffets per night). You can not get this special online, you have to call the hotel's registration desk at (615) 261-6100 and ask for the Nashcon deal.

Assuming that I have my fleet boxes by then, I should have a sizable range of minis that will be available for use during the tournament to round-out points (or even provide fleets) for those interested in participating. Hopefully, either ADB or Mongoose can be persuaded to provide a bit of convention supprt as well. :wink:

Tony L. Thomas
Battlegroup Murfreesboro
Keep bumping this post with info and updates. Assuming I can get a decent fleet up and running by then....the wife and I might take a little week long vacation in Nashville.
deadshane said:
Keep bumping this post with info and updates. Assuming I can get a decent fleet up and running by then....the wife and I might take a little week long vacation in Nashville.
I get to beat deadshane in ACTA:SF AND do it in front of his wife :D put me down!
I may be able to make it up from Atlanta but Memorial Weekend is tough as that is usually a major family get together. If I do, it will likely be Klinks.
Totenkopf said:
deadshane said:
Keep bumping this post with info and updates. Assuming I can get a decent fleet up and running by then....the wife and I might take a little week long vacation in Nashville.
I get to beat deadshane in ACTA:SF AND do it in front of his wife :D put me down!

After dominating with Orks at adepticon for three years running in the Gothic Tournament, I can only say this.....

Totenkopf, although your abilities intrigue are quite honestly inferior...mentally/physically....In fact I am surprised at how little improvement there has been in gamer evolution.

Ohhh, there has been advancement in games and rulesets, little gamers themselves have changed. appears 'I' will do well at Nashcon, Totenkopf.

Do you have any other comments?

EDIT: Since I'm not certain as to how old I am in comparison to peeps reading this, and I'm also not sure if the entire fanbase knows where this trash talk is coming from....

Start at 8:13. Also, in the future, if you find something that should be humorous coming from one of my posts...and don't understand it...refer to star's there.
deadshane said:
Keep bumping this post with info and updates. Assuming I can get a decent fleet up and running by then....the wife and I might take a little week long vacation in Nashville.

I will indeed keep bumping with updates..
As for fleets, I will have my minis there for use, if need be.

And since we're still looking at a time prior to the world-wide re-release, we may have to allow Starline 2400 minis as well.
scoutdad said:
deadshane said:
Keep bumping this post with info and updates. Assuming I can get a decent fleet up and running by then....the wife and I might take a little week long vacation in Nashville.

I will indeed keep bumping with updates..
As for fleets, I will have my minis there for use, if need be.

And since we're still looking at a time prior to the world-wide re-release, we may have to allow Starline 2400 minis as well.

Sweet! :)
Very preliminary schedule update, but if looks as if:
Large fleet action scenario (will be ongoing through the weekend with people in and out as available.

tourney games all day, with big sceanrio still going

nother scenario... yet to be determined.
According to NashCons website, the $30 entry fee allows full access to all gaiming, all tournaments, the dealer/vendor room, and the flea market.
Nashcon Staff said:
Admission for the show is $30.00 for the whole weekend which gets you access to everything from the open gaming to the tournaments of your choice to the flea market and dealer's area. The hotel (Franklin Cool Springs Marriott) also offers a special room rate that includes 2 breakfast buffetts in their resturaunt with each room night booked. You have to call the hotel's reservation desk at (615) 261-6100) can't book online.....and ask for ther Nashcon rate to get the deal. We encourage everyone to stay at the hotel as our success is based on room nights booked.
So... I'm guessing nope. no additional fee.

Gratuities directed towards the GM might purchase one a re-roll, though. 8)
scoutdad said:
According to NashCons website, the $30 entry fee allows full access to all gaiming, all tournaments, the dealer/vendor room, and the flea market.
Nashcon Staff said:
Admission for the show is $30.00 for the whole weekend which gets you access to everything from the open gaming to the tournaments of your choice to the flea market and dealer's area. The hotel (Franklin Cool Springs Marriott) also offers a special room rate that includes 2 breakfast buffetts in their resturaunt with each room night booked. You have to call the hotel's reservation desk at (615) 261-6100) can't book online.....and ask for ther Nashcon rate to get the deal. We encourage everyone to stay at the hotel as our success is based on room nights booked.
So... I'm guessing nope. no additional fee.

Gratuities directed towards the GM might purchase one a re-roll, though. 8)

My Die rolling is so terrible, I'll have to keep that in mind.... :twisted:
My wife's always wanted to tour Nashville. So this tournement may be a win for me.

Now I just need to decide....Feds or Klingons....?
Totenkopf said:
deadshane said:
My wife's always wanted to tour Nashville. So this tournement may be a win for me.

Now I just need to decide....Feds or Klingons....?
My Klingons need Fedrats to kill :P

Klingons are weak.

Their economy is weak, disrupters are weak, their hulls are weak.

Photon-bait. :mrgreen:

btw...isnt it cool how federation ADD's work Mr. Klingon?