Emperor Mongoose
@Vormaerin I've always advocated a range of TLs over several technologies. I strongly feel that every society has aspects of civilization [and technology] that are more or less important to them and they focus their energies accordingly. Jewell has a more militaristic society than Mora does, so they're gonna be more advanced in certain aspects of military technology. More than that, they also field more active duty troops. Their militarism takes up time, effort and resources that another society might put into culture and entertainment or whatever.
But there does seem to be a presumption among a lot of Traveller players that just because TL 15 sent a colony expedition out means that the colony instantly be a TL 15 world. A lot of folks forget that the initial work on a colony begins plain old TL 3 axes, hammers and shovels and that first several growing seasons will have crops planted by hand.
And there's something else that should be mentioned: the people who choose to be colonists on a new world are different those who stayed back home. These people want something else out of life than punching a time card a the Naasirka factory. There are things about the home world's society that are deeply unsatisfying to them. So they sell everything and climb into a freezer tube in the hope that they'll wake to a life they feel will be better. The people who are content with 'that's just how things are' are NOT the ones getting involved in colonization efforts.
Both of the factors contribute to how far a colony advances along the tech chain, and just because you have the knowledge of how to build a semiconductor doesn't mean you have the capability to do so.
But there does seem to be a presumption among a lot of Traveller players that just because TL 15 sent a colony expedition out means that the colony instantly be a TL 15 world. A lot of folks forget that the initial work on a colony begins plain old TL 3 axes, hammers and shovels and that first several growing seasons will have crops planted by hand.
And there's something else that should be mentioned: the people who choose to be colonists on a new world are different those who stayed back home. These people want something else out of life than punching a time card a the Naasirka factory. There are things about the home world's society that are deeply unsatisfying to them. So they sell everything and climb into a freezer tube in the hope that they'll wake to a life they feel will be better. The people who are content with 'that's just how things are' are NOT the ones getting involved in colonization efforts.
Both of the factors contribute to how far a colony advances along the tech chain, and just because you have the knowledge of how to build a semiconductor doesn't mean you have the capability to do so.