I've come up with the following idea for handling familiarity with different types of equipment.
Characters can use their general skill with any relevant equipment (drive a chariot, drive an automobile, drive a motorboat), but without at least 20% specialization in that type of equipment (automobile, stick shift automobile), he has to roll for even basic manuevers like a right turn. But if he has 20% in the appropriate specialization skill, then he knows enough to only have to roll for exceptional manuevers.
Actually, the specialization required can be made lower for simpler equipment (automatic transmission) and higher for more complicated equipment (stick shift).
There is the problem of how to divide equipment. The test I use is how readily someone could use it. Somebody who trained with an automobile could drive a pickup truck with little trouble, but would probably need special training to drive an 18-wheel semi safely.
Characters can use their general skill with any relevant equipment (drive a chariot, drive an automobile, drive a motorboat), but without at least 20% specialization in that type of equipment (automobile, stick shift automobile), he has to roll for even basic manuevers like a right turn. But if he has 20% in the appropriate specialization skill, then he knows enough to only have to roll for exceptional manuevers.
Actually, the specialization required can be made lower for simpler equipment (automatic transmission) and higher for more complicated equipment (stick shift).
There is the problem of how to divide equipment. The test I use is how readily someone could use it. Somebody who trained with an automobile could drive a pickup truck with little trouble, but would probably need special training to drive an 18-wheel semi safely.