I never really liked the mechanic of getting no benefit from gaining a lvl-0 skill you already had. This generally just leads to players picking skills that don't make sense for their backgrounds, just to maximize their PCs. It also never seemed fair to me, that someone who had spent their youth learning to be a mechanic, would be at exactly the same skill level as a noob, after they both finished the same basic training.
I have to concede that letting 0+0=1, does tend to create overly rounded characters.
The solution I hit on (while in the shed, cough), is kind of forehead slappingly simple.
Whenever such a situation happens, just let the player roll an EDU check to see if they learned enough to reach lvl-1.
Also makes sense when you enter university with, say, electronics-0, if you choose electronics as your minor (lvl-0) skill.
Skill-0 means basic competence in that skill. You don't get a bonus, but you don't get the untrained penalty either. You can use that skill in a routine situation, such as Drive to go to work, Pilot to make a simple Jump, and so on.
Anyone with skill-0 can bolster the 2D roll with the following advantages, available to every Traveller.
(1) Positive characteristic DMS, typically +1 for characteristic 9-11, +2 for characteristic 12, with the next jump to +3 at characteristic 15 and so on - +4 at 18, +5 at 21, +6 at 24 etc. Even Ancient-augmented humans would not need to go above 24, because pretty much every task check would be virtually guaranteed a success even if it were Formidable.
(2) Device Assistance might provide a positive DM, such as a translator program that decodes a written script to Galanglic.
(3) Task chains, either internal from one's own efforts, or external aid from teamwork.
(4) Taking the time, by expanding the timeframe one level and taking that +2 DM.
What you haven't taken into account is the
breadth of some of these skills. Cascade skills - Art, Flyer, Gun Combat, Language, Melee, Science - assume that the Traveller is competent in
all of the specialisations. If you have Melee-0, you are competent in Unarmed, Blade, and Bludgeoning; if you are skilled in Science, you know Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology and so on, and can operate basic lab equipment, even at a rudimentary level, enough to poke something with a stick and record what it does.
Now ... Language. You might know Galanglic enough to go on. But this also infers, not implies, that you'll know Zdetl, Gvegh, Trokh, some VIlani, and enough to recognise any of the languages of the Solomani, of which there are hundreds.
But also, if there are sign languages, and languages for the visually impaired such as Braille ... your Traveller will have enough language to recognise them, and maybe scan them to feed them into a translator.
Without the untrained penalty.
Animals-0, Art-0, Drive-0, Seafarer-0, all of these also have the same blessing.
And if any one speciality of one of those cascade skills goes to skill (speciality)-1, your Traveller still retains knowledge of all of the level-0 skill specialities which haven't made it out of the zero zone yet.
No wonder Mongoose didn't want Jack-of-all-Trades promoted. Your Travellers won't need it, if they build up enough skills at level-0 to really impress the Patrons, who probably would never think to study so broadly.