BF Evo, future weapons


Will BF Evo, feature some of the new non lethal weapons that the Military have been experimenting with. Like the 'Brown noise generator', and riot foam (used in Somalia to some effect)?
Or indeed railguns, coilguns, or phased plasma guns?

I guess they're going with advanced infantry, but not advanced beyond the OICW and future soldier tech.
Alexb83 said:
Or indeed railguns, coilguns, or phased plasma guns?

Mate, beyond sci-fi books, there has been no practical application of that stuff. I'm talking about NON-LETHAL weapons, that militaries all over the world are actually testing. When was the last time you saw the British army, running around with a 'Phase Plasma gun'?
Well, who knows. If all armies used non-leathal weapons wars would be alot more tolerated wouldn't they?

Seriuosly though, what difference would it make game-wise? A model who is taken off the table might be dead, injured or something like that. So non-lethal weapons would probably still remove models. If you understand what I mean.
Kristovich said:
Well, who knows. If all armies used non-leathal weapons wars would be alot more tolerated wouldn't they?

Seriuosly though, what difference would it make game-wise? A model who is taken off the table might be dead, injured or something like that. So non-lethal weapons would probably still remove models. If you understand what I mean.

So if everyone uses them, you won't want them in your units. Or what about the fact, that some can actually effect massed groups of people?

There are also the possible use of Thermobaric weapons, no matter where your troops are, they die. Its battlefield deployable, and can kill troops in cover, regardless to how well they are hidden.
Reaverman said:
There are also the possible use of Thermobaric weapons, no matter where your troops are, they die. Its battlefield deployable, and can kill troops in cover, regardless to how well they are hidden.
Do believe this is where the LZ (X") rules come into effect - Kristovich is right, game-wise it doesn't matter whether the man is dead, badly wounded, or just too scared to fight on. Model is removed anyway.
Reaverman said:
There are also the possible use of Thermobaric weapons, no matter where your troops are, they die. Its battlefield deployable, and can kill troops in cover, regardless to how well they are hidden.

Like Makoto said, LZ (X"). And that wouldn't be non-lethal at all :wink:

Makoto said:
Kristovich is right, game-wise it doesn't matter whether the man is dead, badly wounded, or just too scared to fight on. Model is removed anyway.

Now that gotta be a first :lol:
Reaverman said:
I'm not talking about how the game is played, I am on about whether the weapons will feature the game!

Yeah, that's true.
At that point I can't tell though, I know as much as you do.
That I don't know. What I do know is that any tank hit by this thing will have it's crew reduced to the consitancy of chunky salsa.
Hiromoon said:
That I don't know. What I do know is that any tank hit by this thing will have it's crew reduced to the consitancy of chunky salsa.

Ahh the infamous 'Munroe' not the blonde bombshell :P
The way it works, Kristovich (I sure as heck hope they make you a loader or something), is that the rod fired by the rail gun will have only so much kinetic energy. There'll be enough to penetrate one side of the tank, but not the other, so the rod will bounce around inside the crew compartment of the enemy tank. If the crew is lucky, the rod will strike some of the ammo, triggering an explosion, if they're not, chunky salsa.
Kristovich said:
So does that work now? I mean, if I hit a tank with a rail I'll scratch the paint at most :lol:

Well its going to drive a needle like round, right through the tank and out the other side. As it does, its going to drag the outside of the Tank inside. Shredding the crew, and the consussive effect of the round is probably crush the crew.

As for the Rail Gun in reality, well its going to drain a of power. Our current application of super conductors, will mean that the gun will need large amounts of coolant.

Also there is the probem with recoil, since the weapon will accelarate the projectile over a shorter time. This means the weapon will require more compensation, and stabilization.
Basically the tests are almost as optimistic as the strategic anti-missile system ones, so wouldn't worry about actual implementing the railgun for a looong time ^^
Umm..folks, seriously, there's one being tested at Aberdeen right now. It punches through tank armor like a hot knife through butter. And because it uses magnetics to propel the round, all I have to say is 'What recoil?'.