Hi all,
again I need some feedback and/or suggestions.
My campaign is now centered on the Darrian Confederation for quite some time and they are at war with the Sword Worlds.
The characters have supported the Darrians in an important battle and received a nice TL-15 ship for their troubles.
Now they want to do some extensive shopping. Lots of stuff TL 14-16 which is available in most Darrian worlds.
If I apply the modifiers from the CSC it is fairly easy to get the stuff. Sure, I can put negative modifiers as referee but first I should be able to explain why and second the likelihood still is high the the PCs will succeed anyway (+1 from attribute and +2 from skill).
Of course I can restrict weapons (e.g. no power armour, no plasma weapons etc.) but there is still plenty of non-military stuff that they can get.
And thanks to trading they have cash aplenty.
This leads me to my second point. IMHO most of the "power" of Travellers comes from their equipment. Even with lousy stats a staggered laser rifle is still vastly superior to an autorifle and so are is a TL14 HEV suit to regular armor. As a GM I try to offer interesting and challenging encounters which includes combat encounters every few sessions. But the PCs equipment is so good that I would have to employ ridiculously strong enemies (power armor, gauss rifles etc.) that I don't fell is realistic.
Sometimes it feels like Lvl 5 characters wield swords and armor +3 if the D&D analogy is permitted.
And this includes also non-combat equipment as well. Here is an excerpt of a shopping list I just received:
BurnerComms: 20xComp/3(TL16/12;62,5) =1250
Software: 140kcr
1x Sec3(TL16/12;20k)
2x Intrusion2(TL16/11;10k) 1x Intrusion3(TL16/13;100k)
Universal Translator (TL12/25k)
Psi-Finder Binoculars (TL16;10k/1kg)
Densitometer (TL16/14;5k/1,25kg)
Bug Sweeper, deluxe (TL16;125;DM+2;6m)
How do you GMs handle this in your games?
again I need some feedback and/or suggestions.
My campaign is now centered on the Darrian Confederation for quite some time and they are at war with the Sword Worlds.
The characters have supported the Darrians in an important battle and received a nice TL-15 ship for their troubles.
Now they want to do some extensive shopping. Lots of stuff TL 14-16 which is available in most Darrian worlds.
If I apply the modifiers from the CSC it is fairly easy to get the stuff. Sure, I can put negative modifiers as referee but first I should be able to explain why and second the likelihood still is high the the PCs will succeed anyway (+1 from attribute and +2 from skill).
Of course I can restrict weapons (e.g. no power armour, no plasma weapons etc.) but there is still plenty of non-military stuff that they can get.
And thanks to trading they have cash aplenty.
This leads me to my second point. IMHO most of the "power" of Travellers comes from their equipment. Even with lousy stats a staggered laser rifle is still vastly superior to an autorifle and so are is a TL14 HEV suit to regular armor. As a GM I try to offer interesting and challenging encounters which includes combat encounters every few sessions. But the PCs equipment is so good that I would have to employ ridiculously strong enemies (power armor, gauss rifles etc.) that I don't fell is realistic.
Sometimes it feels like Lvl 5 characters wield swords and armor +3 if the D&D analogy is permitted.
And this includes also non-combat equipment as well. Here is an excerpt of a shopping list I just received:
BurnerComms: 20xComp/3(TL16/12;62,5) =1250
Software: 140kcr
1x Sec3(TL16/12;20k)
2x Intrusion2(TL16/11;10k) 1x Intrusion3(TL16/13;100k)
Universal Translator (TL12/25k)
Psi-Finder Binoculars (TL16;10k/1kg)
Densitometer (TL16/14;5k/1,25kg)
Bug Sweeper, deluxe (TL16;125;DM+2;6m)
How do you GMs handle this in your games?