Battlefield Evolution Miniatures!

Can I just introduce myself, as I am completely new to this particular forum. :lol:

The only Mongoose game I play is Battlefield Evolution, and I introduced it to my gaming club, only to learn it isn't supported anymore :(

Personally, I think Mongoose should publish more Evo models, such as regular MEA infantry and some more EFTF models.

I also think that they should re-publish the UK Warrior + Command Squad model. I collect UK troops, and it's near impossible to find this set on the net. I've only seen it once, and it fetched £40 on eBay.

Bring back Battlefield Evolution! :D

Your not alone guys the magic of BFE modern combat is a think I have discovered. One of the best games on the market, shame on you Mongoose for cutting it and not even supporting what you already had. My goodness with the full range you did make on your site at all times to buy people would still find it and want to start playing it come on get your act together and no we don;t want a change in scale or a redo of the models where you have to paint them and pay a small fortune for warmachine/40k style sets with a million parts and stupid scales we want the game you made and the models you made. bring back all infantry squads/ all tanks and all IFV now and be good to your customers!

We want to give you our money! Please take it.
PLA_man said:
We want to give you our money! Please take it.

Well, here is the thing. If we were to bring it back, at a conservative estimate, we would have to charge at least $30 per box set, maybe $40 for some.

Still want it?
He has a point there... or at least re-release the impossible to find MEA Fedayeen Squad (and the PLA WZ-551 Infantry Fighting Vehicle would sell too methinks) ... both sell on eBay for top top dollar $60+ if/when/never you can find them. See the "Wings Of War Miniatures Fokker Dr.I (von Richthofen / Red Baron)" as an example of this re-release only to sell at top dollar (= 200% mark-up or more) on ebay again and again ... enemy factions in miniature wargames can be hard to come by sometimes and the Fedayeen and WZ-551 go above and beyond BF:EVO.

PLA_man said:
Your not alone guys the magic of BFE modern combat is a think I have discovered. One of the best games on the market, shame on you Mongoose for cutting it and not even supporting what you already had. My goodness with the full range you did make on your site at all times to buy people would still find it and want to start playing it come on get your act together and no we don;t want a change in scale or a redo of the models where you have to paint them and pay a small fortune for warmachine/40k style sets with a million parts and stupid scales we want the game you made and the models you made. bring back all infantry squads/ all tanks and all IFV now and be good to your customers!

We want to give you our money! Please take it.
If they rerelease them I hope they will do them unpainted then. I would prefer to paint them myself than settle for chinese mass-painter's result.
It must be just me, but back in the day a lot of wargamers dissed on the "size" (true 28mm men from head to toe) and the "paint jobs" (better than I can do in mass) of BfEvo… yet, now that the game is gone, and with so many taking its place (Force On Force, Flames of War, Strike 21), I find the game even more appealing … if anything, as a source of supplemental figs and armor, and we still play Apoc-Z from time to time.
tneva82 said:
If they rerelease them I hope they will do them unpainted then. I would prefer to paint them myself than settle for chinese mass-painter's result.

the "paint jobs" is what put people from my LGS off, dismal paint jobs, out of scale vehicles, and a very poor packaging job.
However I'm sure mongoose have moved on since then, so who knows if their is life in the old dog. By all acounts the rules were very good. But you were best considering an alternative mini maker.
BFE is an amazing game, and im shocked how many people never played it !!

alot of the problem from a retail point of view was pacaging, every box was the same size.

the infantry needed to be in a flat box with a flip up lid that showed its contents and the flip up lid being removable and then used as a unit stat card. this would allow the customer to to see the unit stats straight away before purchase and build an army on the shop floor with details on the box.

Also now with the huge use of the internet just put the web adress on the box to download a free copy of the rules.

the other issue was the rule book was a hardback, if it was a paper back like a magazine then fantastic.... im referring to the first rule book wich was much more preferable to the second more complete rule book for use and asphetics.. the fact the units where listed in the book as pages and not as maybe removable stat cards made that version for some of us less playable.

Dust Tactics is an interesting direction you can do, very basically painted units with no claims of being pre painted but each army in a different coloured plastic for immediate use.

you could do them prepainted to a degree where they are a mix of basic colours that with a simple wash would suddenly bounce fo those who want nice minis, and could be shaded up or have details and washes added for those who like a bit of a flashy army.

Im still Very passionate as regards this game, if it wasn't for 2 divorces and no money id in an instant offer to back mongoose on this project.

so how about it our lovable Mr Sprange ? why not do a more basic affordable version, id love to be able to help, and fund it through Kick-starter ? and make it compliant with the old minis,,,

but this item sell the warrior and command separate.

maybe do a set of 2 infantry a tank with a command squad in a box set,,, and then a box of just infantry.... non of that strapping down bases... stuff them in a box with an image of a nice painted version on the front display that flips up to show either part one or part 2 of the rules (that way you need 2 boxsets for the complete rules say a tank and an infantry) and the inside of the flip has the unit stats for game use and on rear a more realistic representation of the contents.

dont see the box as a way of transporting the minis see it as a way of the player being able to play the came, a away for the customer to see what the unit can do, something to inspire the customer on how to use the unit while on the shop floor... no one else does it .. why not ???? some one has to change the world... and BFE has always been the game to have the ability to do it in many ways.

Yup all these years on i still play the game with what was originally produced, the original missions where great and still playable...

I know a allot of people who would like to see it back in production again...

plus im still waiting for the helicopters :)
One year later and I finally got my hands on a MEA Fedayeen Squad -and the - PLA WZ-551 Infantry Fighting Vehicle via ebay (search today for proof) for right around $60 each. Come again as to why these units are not in production and/or a kick-starter?
Not sure how feasible this is (Considering the big M's workload)

Create a rulebook for Evolution ONLY. - Include stats for standard units (grunts, tanks, aircraft, patrol boats, etc)

Use already commercially available models (Say 1:72 - 1:76 (OO) scale) as units
Apep said:
Not sure how feasible this is (Considering the big M's workload)

Create a rulebook for Evolution ONLY. - Include stats for standard units (grunts, tanks, aircraft, patrol boats, etc)

Use already commercially available models (Say 1:72 - 1:76 (OO) scale) as units

This might actually be an idea, it would tread on the same ground as FoF a bit, but there is no harm in that. There was talk of a Vietnam era book and mini range, but going 28mm you'd be looking at around £15 to £20. 15mm is a good scale, as is 20. You could even have 10mm and base fireteams on elements.

Of course Matt may well not have time to do it, and it would mean producing a rules set with no accompanying miniature range, and miniature ranges are where the money is.
We consider 28mm to be God's Own Scale, so any future miniatures range is likely to be that (and we have some awesome plans for Vietnam, but they will have to wait until we have completed Victory at Sea).

As for a more 'generic' BF Evo, well, we kind have already done that with both Modern Combat and World at War (WWII);