Atlantean edition vs. 1st. edition

lastbesthope said:
I expect Mongoose did repsond promptly. I also expect that Amazon wouldn't respond, at least not in a way thatanswers your question, but like I said, Mongoose have no control over which edition Amazon sell you unless they do a product recall, which I don't see happening, or think should happen. You seem to have been gipped by amazon in this case, and, at least under UK trading laws, I see no legal entitlement to a refund or replacement of your purchase as unless it was advertised on their website as the Atlantean Edition, then you got what you paid for. Of course your Canada's laws may be different in this matter, and of course Amazon may go above and beyond the legal requirements.

(I like buying books in person, or when I'm sure which edition I'm buying, which is much easier in person)
Would it have been better if the guy at Mongoose had given me a binary answer? Sure. Did he? No. Did I choose to go by what he considered to be the most likely situation? Yes. Is it his fault his best guess was wrong concerning a distribution chain outside of his domain of control? Nope.

I made the order and nobody else. Thankfully Amazon has a good 30 day returns policy so I only have to pay the S&H while the rest will be refunded.
My apologies Steve, but there have been a lot of people on the forums recently complaining that online vendors (usually amazon) have sent them 1st printing Conan, even though they have asked amazon which printing they and not gotten a straight answer, they went ahead, took the chance and then complained when it wasn't what they wanted.

You pays your money you takes your chances, you seem to have done all you can do to ensure you got the right answer.

Good luck with your refund and buying AE from somewhere.

Sutek said:
Come on guys, as you've already been told, Mongoose offered a seriously great deal on a severly discounted copy of the Atlantean edition some time back and the guy you ought to contact is already mentioned above. E-mail him and see if the Sons of Commeria deal is still on going.

This deal says it's for Sons of Cimmeria members. How do you become a member?
lastbesthope said:
My apologies Steve, but there have been a lot of people on the forums recently complaining that online vendors (usually amazon) have sent them 1st printing Conan, even though they have asked amazon which printing they and not gotten a straight answer, they went ahead, took the chance and then complained when it wasn't what they wanted.

You pays your money you takes your chances, you seem to have done all you can do to ensure you got the right answer.

Good luck with your refund and buying AE from somewhere.

No worries. I know I've only myself to blame so I don't mind biting the S&H.

I finally managed to convince the FLGS that, yes, the Atlantean edition is in print and has been for some time. The conversation when something like:

"Can you order me the new edition?"

"It's not out yet."

"I'm 100% certain it is. Can you order it for me?"

"Trust me, it's not out yet."

"No, trust ME. It is out. I've been discussing it for some time on their messageboards. I've received emails from the company about it."

"Sir, I think we know what's going on in the gaming industry if our distributor is telling us it's not in. We're a gaming store, this is what we do."

(me biting back comments) "Really? Well how about you do this customer a favor and just go double check for me. In fact, check the company's web site."

(off he goes with an audible huff. Comes back after about 5 minutes)

"We'll see if we can have it in for you this Friday."

And people wonder why I'm ordering online more these days instead of supporting my FLGS. :roll:
May I suggest the liberal application of a rolled up daily news publication of your locale about the head of the FLGS staff member in question.

Tabloids are easier to conceal but a broadsheet gives better reach and more weight!

Steve Conan Trustrum said:
And people wonder why I'm ordering online more these days instead of supporting my FLGS. :roll:

I've said it before - I have a LGS, and I sometimes visit a FGS, but I don't have a FLGS.

(Ironically, my FGS is in Steve's neck of the woods, Toronto.)

I finally gave up trying to get a copy of the AE from the local stores here. All they were carrying, or could order, was the 1st Edition. The folks at my neighborhood FLGS are very good about getting stuff for me, but their distributors said they had not heard of an AE for the Conan RPG.

The SoC "send in the 1st edition corner for a discount on the AE" program is still being honored, so I sent in mine and finally got the AE last night.

It did take awhile (a little over a month), but at least I have it now.
I have 3 FLGS, each with different strengths. Ialso have a GW but they don't qualify as an FLGS in my book. More like a franchise!

Don't get me wrong, they're nice huys. Just too indoctrinated in the mindset that "GW is fun, other games are not fun, buy GW!" mindset (to borrow from Paranoia for a moment).

OK, to put some things into perspective here that seem to be overlooked or ignored.

A games store, book vendor and the like have to buy the books when they come out to service their customers. They buy these books from distributors, who buy mass shipments from the publisher. The popularity of Conan when it was released prompted distributors and game stores alike to order large quantities of the product. A product which they may still have in stock and is now redundant and unwanted. There is no way these companies are going to be happy with loosing money when the publisher will not (a) properly acknowledge their error by providing corrections and revisions to their game and (b) have promptly moved on to a new edition with no regard to the former.

This situation is no different than WOTCs 3.5 nonsense, except that there was much less times between editions and the first edition is, indeed, defective. There are core rules in error which make game play difficult and contradictory.

My solution was to buy Pocket Conan of the Atlantean edition, and given time I will probably buy the AE Harback because I love the game. But my poor first edition needs a handfull of pdf pages to correct. Where are these pages? If they can produce another supplement, which they have, they can make a "FIX YOUR FIRST EDITION" free pdf on the website.

Anything else is irresponsible. I am aware of the "conanchanges" pdf, and it is less than sufficient.
I'd like the full changes as i don't see myself buying the Atlatean edition for some minor changes....ever. I don't see why i should shell out more money because I had the misfortune to be eager to buy the book when it first came out!

(By the way I make a hobby of subverting GW staff to other games...)
Well, the Atlantean edition has been out for a while and, while it's unfortunate that you bought "the wrong one", a little extra research into the game before you bought it would have turned that fact up. :wink:

Furthermore, it would have turned up the fact that you can actually turn in your "bad" version for a brand spankin' new AE version. Search for "Atlantean exchange" or "Atlantean turn in" or "SOC" or "Sons of Cimmeria deal" in these forums and I'll bet you find what to do.

The changes between the two aren't minor - there are few, but they are significant. It's worth the change over, but the original version still works fine. There are just typos and rules glitches through out it that were address and fixed in AE.
Sutek said:
Well, the Atlantean edition has been out for a while and, while it's unfortunate that you bought "the wrong one", a little extra research into the game before you bought it would have turned that fact up. :wink:

Since he said he bought the book when it was first released (before AE), I doubt any initial reseach before he bought it would have helped him much.

He can get a deeply discounted AE, that much is true.
Frankly I would have got a discount any way for working for a LFGS. Which also meant that I had a pretty fair idea of what the situation with the game was. When I say it had only just come out....guess what...?

I haven't heard of any deal that will allow me to exchange my 1st for an Atlantean without paying more money.

Paying more money, seing as I don't have allot to begin with, is just not going to happen here. I have allot of other stuff I want to buy!! (that I can't really afford...)
Yah, I guess I assumed a little bit too much. Sorry about that. Didn't mean to come off so... :evil:

I recently purchased the main book, and now I'm do I tell if I have the new edition or not?

I'm assuming by the fact that my copy doesn't say that it is the Atlantean edition that it must not be...
munin said:
I recently purchased the main book, and now I'm do I tell if I have the new edition or not?

I'm assuming by the fact that my copy doesn't say that it is the Atlantean edition that it must not be...
your assumption is right.
your assumption is right.
Well that's a bummer.

In my case, it was an impulse buy. I wanted to run Conan, I saw it at my FLGS, so I bought it. I had no idea that there was a new edition available, or else I would have taken steps to purchase the AE instead.

That being the case, I certainly don't expect Mongoose to cover my error, but I will be an EXTRA happy customer and take advantage of this SoC deal if I can get in on it.

Thanks Mongoose!