Hello, everyone! I’ve played some Traveller in the past, and I’ve collected a lot of the books and PDFs, and I’m thinking about finally running a game of my own. What are the differences between 1st & 2nd edition? I have physical copies of 1st edition, but not 2nd. My 2nd edition PDFs are often squirrelly on my iPad, while my 1st editions are rock solid. Is going with 2nd edition worth the inconvenience? Thanks in advance for your consideration.
Edit: My disposable income isn’t what it used to be, so I’m leery of having to buy lots of new material. I did get in on the recent Bundle of Holding, though, which was very cool.
Edit: My disposable income isn’t what it used to be, so I’m leery of having to buy lots of new material. I did get in on the recent Bundle of Holding, though, which was very cool.