Athletics starting at 0

Except dodging uses your athleticsr rank or Dex modifier, whichever is higher. If you dont have athletics, then your dodge modifier could be negative with bad Dex. If you give everyone athletics zero, you improve their ability to dodge. (This may not be a bad thing, but its strictly an impact if they went with that choice.)
There's various actions that are specifically a Characteristic check. Other checks are an Athletics check. The 1e rule was, apparently, that you could use straight characteristic on Athletics check, not the untrained. That is not in 2e. 2e says that if it calls for a characteristic check, you can add Athletics when appropriate.

So my understanding of 2e rules is this:
If you have a STR check to bend the bars on a cage, you can add Athletics or just roll straight STR.

But if it a High G Maneuvering check, which is Athletics (STR), then you would take the untrained penalty if you don't have any Athletics.
Except dodging uses your athletics rank or Dex modifier, whichever is higher. If you dont have athletics, then your dodge modifier could be negative with bad Dex. If you give everyone athletics zero, you improve their ability to dodge. (This may not be a bad thing, but its strictly an impact if they went with that choice.)
Be fair - everybody can dodge without needing to be a trained athlete, and everybody can carouse without needing to be a professional Carouse bon vivant type. That's why there are characteristic checks without skills, and also skill checks without characteristic DMs.
Army, Marine and Navy get Athletics 0 as Basic Training. These are the careers that prepare people for fighting. Even Rogues get it at the start. Giving Athletics 0 to everyone will take away one skill from these careers.
If you really want Athletics 0 take it as a background skill, as part of a Connection or from a skill package.
So no free Athletics 0 to everyone for me.
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Army, Marine and Navy get Athletics 0 as Basic Training. These are the careers that prepare people for fighting. Even Rogues get it at the start. Giving Athletics 0 to everyone will take away one skill from these careers.
If you really want Athletics 0 take it as a background skill, as part of a Connection or from a skill package.
So no free Athletics 0 to everyone for me.
yeah, I don't think it is the right way to go. I'm just saying that the 1e rule that was quoted above would be simplified by doing that instead of pretending that Athletics 0 does something, when that "can always use a straight characteristic check" negates it completely.
This is indeed something we have looked at for a future Core Rulebook Update - no decision made as yet, but it is at least on the table.
In that case, I would like to suggest making some of the specializations into their own skill, such as each science being its own skill.