PSION and new Career term

I agree that a lot of the psionics were toned down in this edition, but I feel this just puts psionics in the realm of the reasonable.
I strongly believe that psionics should augment a character's skill set rather than replace it... for example, the character has to know something about locks in order to TK pick one.

As for the skill success and Effect issues, this encourages the player to invest skill points into their talents... to put time and effort into developing them... instead of the old system of 'whoo-hoo, I got teleport' and the guy goes blinking merrily around for the whole campaign with Teleport-0.

I fully agree that the expenditure of power points and a successful roll ought to give you a minimum result other zero, however. That was a good catch and I'd missed that one.
I don't know how or why you'd tone them down. Even a "powerful" psionicist is pretty gimped compared to a regular character unless you really frequently run "haha, you don't have gear" situations since all those Psionic talents suck up skill points that could have gone into more reliable mundane skills.

I agree with you about using a lot of psi abilities as part of a task chain using the skill they are equivalent to, but one has to be careful imho. Every skill level that a psi has in a Talent is a skill level they don't have in an actual skill. The chances of a telepath also having good social skills is pretty low and I, at least, don't want to reduce the character to Encounter at Far Point Deanna Troi, just confirming what others can already do with their skills and gear.
As for the skill success and Effect issues, this encourages the player to invest skill points into their talents... to put time and effort into developing them... instead of the old system of 'whoo-hoo, I got teleport' and the guy goes blinking merrily around for the whole campaign with Teleport-0.
That Teleport-0, if the character has a 12 in PSI, that's a +2 to any PSI roll, plus a minimum roll of 2., so that Teleporter gets a minimum of 4 on any roll. You'd only need a 6 or more to Teleport without clothes. It doesn't happen every time, but that's not a bad chance of success.
That Teleport-0, if the character has a 12 in PSI, that's a +2 to any PSI roll, plus a minimum roll of 2., so that Teleporter gets a minimum of 4 on any roll. You'd only need a 6 or more to Teleport without clothes. It doesn't happen every time, but that's not a bad chance of success.
And son't forget you can take a +2 by spending extra time to cast.