I would not worry about the page count change. Its not that big of a deal. I am told my 160 page drafts were cut down to 96 pages for price economy - and that the removed material would show up in S&P.
I don't know what was cut, but I suspect NPCs are out (like Faith and Fervour), the gazetteer portions (either shortened or removed), maps may or may not be cut (as they were in Stygia and Faith & Fervour), and various & sundry tidbits of minor interest, but little gaming application (like a few sections in Stygia). Probably the section on Shemite games will be cut since it was used in Tito's Trading Post (the Stygian games were cut out of Stygia for the same reason, although both were written long before Tito's was assembled).
Since Faith & Fervour used the Shem chapter for the gods, I rewrote the chapter for Shem, and the rewrite was several pages shorter, so I know that is part of the cut, but the uncut original is available in the afore-mentioned book. I also rewrote Shem's gazetteer section to make it shorter - the more detailed cities should appear in S&P.
Anyway, nothing should be lost as I am told the cut portions were retained for S&P usage, and some portions have already appeared in other books (such as Tito's) so I wouldn't worry. I am sure the best of what was written was retained; Mongoose does a good job with the books I write, so I am not concerned. I don't foresee Mongoose removing anything of real value.
Faith & Fervour was written at 160 pages and nothing vital was cut out of it, and it came out at 96 pages. It turned out to be a slick book, I think, and I suspect Argos/Zingara and Shem will be shining examples of well-done editing in the same manner.