Da Boss - You have to remember that ACTAs will be the 4th Ruleset in Publication that will use these minis. I hope they sell alot of them.

As far as Variants go this isn't even scratching the surface. Wait until you start trying to tell the deffrence between say a D5, D5L (Command Varient), D5S (Scout Cruiser), AD5 (Escort Cruiser) D5A (Stasis Cruiser), D5H (Tatical Transport), D5G (Troop Transport) D5V (Strike Carrier) D5M (Mine Sweeper), MD5 (Mauler Cruser) you start to see where this is going..

Right now you have basicly the Straight Combat Ship, a Command Variant, and a Raiding (Fast) Variant which basicly sacraficing half of its heavy weapons for more speed and phasers. Fast Warships wil handle considerable different from the straight combat variant.

As was pointed out the "basic" design for the most part was intentional. It matched how the ships looked when TOS was on TV. Now with the "remastered" and the Next Gen crowd out there it was getting to be time to dress some of them up more.

As far as that little Engine you do not like well it will appear on at least 4 more ships eventually.

I have great hopes not only for ACTA:SF but the Mini Line as well. The fact that the license is not about to be pulled any time soon, bodes well for the future.
I love everything save the Romulan condor its awful needs to have it's bulbous head shot off. Please don't make this model as is.
Rambler said:
Da Boss - You have to remember that ACTAs will be the 4th Ruleset in Publication that will use these minis. I hope they sell alot of them.

As far as Variants go this isn't even scratching the surface. Wait until you start trying to tell the deffrence between say a D5, D5L (Command Varient), D5S (Scout Cruiser), AD5 (Escort Cruiser) D5A (Stasis Cruiser), D5H (Tatical Transport), D5G (Troop Transport) D5V (Strike Carrier) D5M (Mine Sweeper), MD5 (Mauler Cruser) you start to see where this is going..

And in previous versions of ACTA with which Da Boss is familiar (so am I, for that matter :)), this would be handled by one model with alternative stats. For example, in B5, the Drazi have about 9 different low value ships which are all variants of two basic types, meaning if you bought a bunch of those two models then you can customise your fleet on the day depending on what you want to play. Applying the same principle here, you just get half a dozen basic D5 models, then decide which variants you want them to depict depending on which scenario you're playing against which enemy fleet. You just need to make sure each model's base is marked so you and your opponent can remember which one is which.

As you say, the "basic" look of earlier miniatures matches how the ships looked in TOS, which is what SFU's licence covers. For this reason I will not be buying any of the new D7's but will probably get some Starline 2400 models. The same goes for Romulan War Eagles. (The Battlehawk is supposed to be an earlier version of Bird of Prey, and I have ideas for that which involve a model which I can scratch-build but ADB can't possibly make without risking its licence even more than by adding TMP/TNG-style surface details to TOS ships. :))
MarkDawg said:
I love everything save the Romulan condor its awful needs to have it's bulbous head shot off. Please don't make this model as is.

It is literally being changed this morning!
Excellent news, Matthew - I've got the 2400 series version and it's not the best ADB made, let's put it that way... It's so heavy, too, I reckon that it could be classed as a deadly weapon if it were to be thrown at someone... the boom practically counterweights the rear hull. :)

I'm honestly looking forward to seeing what Sandrine can come up with after all the boring work she's had to endure on the existing models... :)
AdrianH said:
Applying the same principle here, you just get half a dozen basic D5 models, then decide which variants you want them to depict depending on which scenario you're playing against which enemy fleet. You just need to make sure each model's base is marked so you and your opponent can remember which one is which.

This is correct. If the only exterior changes are a couple of phasers that get moved, we _won't_ be doing a new model for it!

At best, we may do a limited edition model for collectors. For example, the Federation Command Cruiser uses the same model as the Federation Heavy Cruiser - they are fundamentally the same ship. But, we do actually have a seperate model of the Command Cruiser with some minor detailing and changes, some new work on the nacelles and bridge structure, that will be given free to anyone who pre-orders certain box sets next month (there may be other opportunities to get it later on). It is not necessary, and the Heavy Cruiser works just fine as a Command Cruiser. But Sandrine quickly knocked off this variant, and we figured some would want to see it!

That will be the exception, though. In general, variants will only appear as seperate models if they are radically different. The Klingon FD7 is a good example. Ostensibly it is just a variant of the D7, but we have given the FD7 go faster stripes (so to speak) so it very much looks different from the D7 (looks really good, actually, looks as though it is trying to get somewhere in a hurry!).

We have talked about doing a model of the plasma-armed Federation Dreadnought, which differs from the base model with a gun house on its neck, only because this is the kind of thing that takes Sandrine 10-15 minutes to model. However, we are not going to try to _sell_ you such a model when the base Dreadnought works perfectly fine as the variant. If we proceed with this ship, it will be as a prize, or LE model, or some sort of promotion. If you _really_ want all variants we do, you'll be able to get your hands on them. If you don't, you can safely ignore them.
Matthew: Any chance of getting those variants through direct sales? I'd like the variant CCs for example, but I'm on limited funds and nowhere near enough to anyone else to get to a tournament, let alone actually win one (I doubt they'd want someone taking part who'd never played the game either).

I'll mainly be buying for the painting and collecting. I'm slightly less concerned about the non-Fed variants, but will eventually want a decent Klingon and Romulan fleet and possibly others.
BFalcon said:
Matthew: Any chance of getting those variants through direct sales? I'd like the variant CCs for example, but I'm on limited funds and nowhere near enough to anyone else to get to a tournament, let alone actually win one (I doubt they'd want someone taking part who'd never played the game either).

They are not intended to be 'exclusive' by any means. One way or another, they'll be made available!
We've been busy!

The Klingon E4 final draft album is now complete:

The comments on the BBS can be read here:


The Gorn BCF take 2 album is complete:

The commentary on the BBS can be read here:


Albums added to include the Klingon D5, Gorn Battle Destroyer (BDD), and Gorn HDD. Some other renderings may be added to these if time permits.

Iron Domokun, this is to confirm that both companies will be selling the minis. It doesn't affect either company's bottom line for which company you use.

msprange said:
MarkDawg said:
I love everything save the Romulan condor its awful needs to have it's bulbous head shot off. Please don't make this model as is.

It is literally being changed this morning!
Yay, The only thing that would make me by the mini's is if the romulans are cool
Interested to see what happens with the Condor as even a number of SFB players did not like the somewhat bizare orginal :)

@ MarkDwag: As Adrian says variants of ships that have very minor cosmetic changes can usually be represented by the same model - good to hear that lots of similar ships are not being made.

Unless the box sets are really great deals - I think I will stick to specific shipsm which are multipurpose.
Oooh, totally love the new condor - soooooo much better!

- I note there's some pics of the Kzinti BC up - I'm still hoping some shine will appear on those ships - always liked them in principle but so far;

- UFP ships have gained cleaner lines and more textures plus a few tweaks - big tick
- Klingon ships have been souped up and had new patterns and textures - big tick
- Romulans have been made to look 'High Tech' where appropiate or elegant where not - amazing
- Gorn have been streamlined a bit and now look a bit more 'sci fi' - tick
- Kzinti look exactly the same but in CAD design :(