As long as you want to create something, anything NOT belonging to someone else (for example, Dr. Who stuff for ACTA:SF), it is fine. We'd be hypocrites asking that our license not be violated and violating someone else's. But if you want to kitbash early Paravians or extinct Carnivons or what the Bi'sen might have had or anything you can dream of that is uniquely yours, all is well.
LimeyDragon said:
OK, just so i have this right in my mind.. It's ok to kitbash using MGP models and SFB models to make a new original (non-copyrighted) model for the SF setting.?.

Thats how I read it - I think as long as its not resembling a "forbiden" ship you are ok.
I'm sure they have been discussed, but there is still so much of the regular Star Fleet universe to release; the simulator empires are probably still a ways out.

you have to remember, the entire SFU covers 18 Alpha Octant empires, over a dozen empires from the Omega Octant, a dozen or so empires from the Lesser Magellanic Cloud, the simulator empires, the Early Years races, The Triangulum module, the Borak, etc. That's well over 2500 different ships that can be imported.

Even with Sandrine churning out ships as fast as possible - that's going to take a while.
True. I am very happy with the miniatures so far. I am a Romulan fan and I like the modular ships better than the 2400 line's. I hope the produce racial parts kits so you can do some serious kit bashing without having to buy multiple ships.

Has anyone played the rules system that this is based on?
I really wish we could see a battle report on youtube or at least a write up or some stills.This game will be out in just a bit I sure would like to see some more coverage of it on these boards with some visuals. Maybe the play testers can write something up with some pics for us to get us excited about the game.
AxisFan67 said:
Has anyone played the rules system that this is based on?

I assume by based on you mean Star Fleet Battles or Federation Commander. There are a few of using here that play those.
AxisFan67 said:
I meant any of the previous versions of ACTA. Just wondering what the mechanics are like.

I suggest you take a look at the below Sneak Peak rules..
Loved the render of the "Starline 2500 Federation Heavy Command Cruiser" up on facebook - however a wee bit disappointed to read it will be a "promotional item"
As soon as I know how you can get the Command Heavy Cruiser, I will let you know if Matthew hasn't beaten me to it. I feel sure the ship will have stats for ACTA:SF and I know that a Ship Card is planned for Federation Commander's Communique.

I'm really excited the ship is being released into the wild. :) It does look exciting and new as Sandrine created it, doesn't it?

AxisFan67 said:
I meant any of the previous versions of ACTA. Just wondering what the mechanics are like.

Yes I have played the Babylon 5 version of ActA and also the WWI and WWII naval games based on the same system (Age of Dreadnoughts and Victory at Sea).

The basic gameplay in the games is fairly simple.

In brief, Turns tend to be Initiative phase, Move Phase, Combat Phase, Clean Up/Admin Phase.

Initiative is dice driven with modifiers and winners get to choose whether to go first or second in subsequent phases. Movement and Combat are done as alternating IGOUGO, with each side activating and using a ship in sequence in those phases. The Clean Up/Admin phase can essentially be done simultaneously but since Damage Control is done there it can require attention to the other players.

Movement is based on a movement rate and a turn characteristic that defines how many and how much turning the ship can do. Its also here that you declare the ubiquitous Special Actions, a range of abilities that focus what the ship will do this turn, be it evasive manoeuvres, boosting Damage Control, focusing of firing rapidly, reinforcing defences etc etc etc - these can be automatic, or they may require a roll based on crew skill.

Combat phase covering firing - Typically a vessel has a range of weapons in different arcs, each with a number of attack dice, you roll those, look for hits and critical hits, then work out damage based on the dice and special weapon traits. This is also where there is most variation in systems. Some weapons need an extra round of dice rolling for damage (Torpedoes in VaS get a roll of their full damage dice for each hit on an attack dice, expanding the possible damage). Variety in weapons are likely to vary the precise way damage is worked out, with SFU based weapons including seeking weapons that run across the battlefield.
One simple damage points are worked out them any critical hits are resolved, resulting in loss of extra damge and crew or special effects.
These differences go a long way to establishing the flavour of different fleets, and different milieux.

The clean up phase includes damage control, mandatory movement from terrain and critical hits.

A ship stat block typically shows the damage and crew aboard, the special traits of the ship, figures relating to its manoeuvrability. The Traits affect all sorts of things in terms of being defences, special abilities like being a carrier, racial bonuses etc and are a big way of tweaking ships from the baseline. Then the weapons stats will be in a big block beneath the rest. Firing arcs, dice to throw and special effects for each system are all listed there.

Various previews, blog sections on ActA: SF and previous versions and discussion on these boards (for example extra ships in VaS made by writers and fans) can be found on the boards and will give you an idea of the extras.
Thanks Myrm. Based on your reply I downloaded Victory at Sea rules. I hope to be able to try it out soon. I am really looking forward to ACTA SF. I have been a fan of the Romulans since the original series.