1st printing typos...

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Exactly how bad are the typos in the 1st printing anyway? From reading some of the threads here, there seems to be quite a bit of confusion over just one sentence...is it just "Page XX" stuff, or actual glaring errorrs? I've already ordered the book through my FLGS (I didn't feel like waiting for the summer :) ), I just want to know what I'm in for...thanks.

Hi Trent,

Personally I don't think it's all that bad, as it's still a great game. However, the editing and proofreading must've been completely non-existant! There's a ton of little errors and things that could've just been cleaned up, or at rephrased. I didn't expect that level of sloppiness from an established publisher, but the game is G-O-O-D! :D

If you like REH's Conan, you will love the game, and if you have some experience of different d20 systems, or at the very least D&D itself, you won't have much trouble.


Trent said:
Exactly how bad are the typos in the 1st printing anyway? From reading some of the threads here, there seems to be quite a bit of confusion over just one sentence...is it just "Page XX" stuff, or actual glaring errorrs? I've already ordered the book through my FLGS (I didn't feel like waiting for the summer :) ), I just want to know what I'm in for...thanks.


Most of it is unimportant stuff. A big example is that someone apparently did a universal search and replace for "lb" and inserted "lb." This makes great sense if the ONLY time lb appears in a text is when you meant the abbreviation for pounds. Unfortunately, that is not the case. There are some other silly issues where the SRD was cut and pasted into the document without any editing, so you get references to body armor, riot shields, etc.

The truth is, as annoying as it is, the typos do not prevent you from enjoying or playing the game.

There ARE some questions about some of the rules but even these are easily handled by a GM who simply sets down a reasonable interpretation and awaits errata from Mongoose.
Yuan-Ti said:
A big example is that someone apparently did a universal search and replace for "lb" and inserted "lb." This makes great sense if the ONLY time lb appears in a text is when you meant the abbreviation for pounds. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

I also think that someone decided to replace all references of "you're" with "you are", but in doing so instead replaced "you're " with "you are" resulting in a whole ton of missing spaces following the phrase "you are". :P

Someone needs to go to editing school. :lol:


Yuan-Ti said:
A big example is that someone apparently did a universal search and replace for "lb" and inserted "lb." This makes great sense if the ONLY time lb appears in a text is when you meant the abbreviation for pounds. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

One word: SPELLB.OOK

*mumbles* ...morons... *curses*
