Yet another update of the Simple Character sheet (v1.3)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Archer
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After having read the rulebook, I found that I needed to change and add some things.

New in this version;

> Heroic Abilities (name and cost only)
> Hero Points section to keep track of remaining Hero Points.
> Runes and Unusual/Magical Items (name, integration mark, and powers)
> Potions & Poisons (name, quantity and Enc)

You can find in the RuneQuest section of The Chamber
This is a great sheet but the font doesn't have much of a 'RuneQuest' feel to it and the alternating shading doesn't add much either. If you're usining bold lines, there's just no need for the shading.

Nevertheless, it's looking good. Roll on version 1.4...

Don Allen said:
Yes, it looks good, but can you make one without the alternate shading? Thanks

I will make a version that includes pages with and without the shading, so that you can choose according to your own preference.

As for the font, it was choosen because it is easily readable. But I can change it to something more RQ-esque if you like.
Do any of you have any preferences for a RQ-esque font? celtic style?

The official character sheet uses the fonts Kelt (for large headings), Times New Roman, and the same I use; Comic Sans MS. In case you need a reference.
Version 1.4 available at the same place, in Shaded and Unshaded version. Some slight font changes has been done.
I like some of the things you have done, and don't care for some others, but that is just a matter of taste. Overall very well done! I will steal some of your ideas for the back of my sheet. :D
Lord Twig said:
I like some of the things you have done, and don't care for some others, but that is just a matter of taste. Overall very well done! I will steal some of your ideas for the back of my sheet. :D

Feel free to pick ideas from it if you wish :)
What specifically did you not like and what did you like?
Just wondering, if there is anything I can do to improve it. Basically this is the layout I have used for character sheets in BRP games since a long time back, so it is "battle" proven so to speak.
hogscape said:
Nice changes, thanks! Still don't like that 'comic' font though...

The problem is, it is very hard to find a font that is so readable, especially if you make it smaller (which I have done in certain places of the sheet).
All serif fonts I have look weird if I make them smaller.
If I find a suitable replacement, I will update the sheet with another font.
How about 'Garamond' it's an MS Word standard serif font. More stylish than Time New Roman and very scalable...

Nice work all the same.

hogscape said:
How about 'Garamond' it's an MS Word standard serif font. More stylish than Time New Roman and very scalable...

Nice work all the same.


I am just about to release a new version, which uses the font Palantino, a font not too dissimilar to Garamond, but which is slightly narrower, which is what I need to fit everything in the character sheet.

Give me about 5-15 minutes and 1.5 will be available :)
Version 1.5 using the Palantino font is up. Grab it from the usual location :)
hogscape said:
Now that looks GREAT!

Many thanks... for all the hard work.

Thank you for the praise.

And you are welcome. I needed a Character Sheet myself, so I just thought it would be a good idea to share what I created ;)
Thank you for your feedback, it made me rethink the old design a bit.
I tried to hop over to your site to download the new sheet but your site is not working.

Just wanted to make sure you were aware.

I'll try again later.
Hey, why don't you submit your sheet to

Label it Mongoose RuneQuest or something like that.

That would be cool and make your sheet available to more people.
Don Allen said:
I tried to hop over to your site to download the new sheet but your site is not working.

Just wanted to make sure you were aware.

I'll try again later.

Weird, the site works for me. What problems are you having with it?
I would appreciate some info on this, if it is something I can fix, I will do that. The site, just like my character sheet and my campaign settings are work in progress :)
Don Allen said:
Hey, why don't you submit your sheet to

Label it Mongoose RuneQuest or something like that.

That would be cool and make your sheet available to more people.

I will think about it.