Would you be interested in a Collector's Plasma Bug?

Would you be interested in a Collector's Plasma Bug?

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  • No! Bleh!

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Staff member
Just a quickie guys, to sound opinion.

We are considering a Collector's Variant of the Plasma Bug, with a clear plastic back end and a lighting kit so it will look just like they do in the film. However, this would likely retail for around $100.

So, the question is, would you be prepared to lay down the cash for such a beast?
hay hot for me bud..

nice idea, but seems sorta gimiky, i like to paint my figs to use in games rather than have a Plasma bug with real lights toy tm..
just seems more toy than game minature thats all.

But that just me... im an old man hehehehehe
anton970 said:
na, sorry Matt I rather spend that money on beer & hookers! :wink:

in bristol for a £45 massage ;) you get a 3 beer, i turned it down as the beer was but a meer bottle of Bud, that and i didnt have £45 ! oh and im married..lol

its ok all these people saying they whant one but can they garantee they will do a preorder for it ? and pay the price proposed,, personaly i would rather buy 2 normal ones.

Nice idea,, but could go the way of the limited edition Apothasis book... and limited edition 40k rules book,, every body jumped up and down about them,, but hardly any one did a pre order for one whwn it came to aprting with the cash.

not puttin a downer on it,, think its a nice idea,,,, there is just a big but..

maybe just do a speperate back end clear bit.. for peopl;e to buy and convert their plasma bug.. and then do a A4 sheet of instructions on how you sugest to light it inside ?

that way we could buy the back ends for terrain ?
How about one with just a clear backside, so we could light it ourselves? Would this be cheaper?I know its a gimmick, but when you are running demos it would be a good way to attract people to your game.

I did something similar to a WH40K Necron ship with LEDs and strip lighting and I have had nothing but positive reactions about it.
i'd love one but i think it should be a project for another day, or year in this case, wait till the games bin out a bit and then i'd love one.
I like it. Sign me up for a pre-order!!

As if the size of the bug isn't enough to draw a crowd to my demos. Mongoose being the first company to offer up something like this will really grab attention.

I'm all for it.
Matt, in my opinion, I think the success of a collector’s Plasma Bug would come down to timing, making them widely available, and NOT making them any different. Stats-wise, from the regular version of the model.

re: timing, as I review the current SST release schedule, my list of “MUST-HAVE” models is likely to out-pace my gaming budget in coming months. Out-pacing my budget won’t stop me from adding a few more here and there because I am desperate to get my armies rounded out the way I want them to be. But I don’t think I’m alone when I say it would be tough, at this stage in the game, to justify a collector’s version of model I’ll likely have already. I think we need gamers need some time to get our armies rounded out more before enough people will be willing to pony up for collector’s versions of models.

re: availability and stats… I am a battered veteran of what I call the great Wizkids debacle. When they started releasing limited edition, stat-tacular models of the week, the demand for these LE’s (ugh…can barely type the letters) fueled a passion for many a Wizkids game. That passion ran hot but burned out quickly and I blame insane prices in the after-market for the LEs that gave you an edge over everybody else. An arms race was unwittingly kicked off and players found themselves in a position where he who had more LEs won more LEs. And, as the LEs got more powerful, the games became broken.
I think you know all this already but I just can't stress this enough! If you decide to make collector’s editions, please please please make them widely available for sale…and for the love of Pete, Paul, Ringo, and George, PLEASE don’t make’em any different, stats-wise, than the “regular” version. I love this game too much to see what happened to some of Wizkids’ marquee games happen to SST.
No thank you.

I'll sculpt my own bulb and cast it from blue tinted clear resin with a sequential light kit to simulate the plasma "running up" the bulb per my e-mail (which I assume is now moot if you all are doing a kit). I may even be able to pull the sound off the movie and include an audio chip if I can clean it up enough on the board.
Here is how I look at it

I love scratch building just as much as the next hobbyist
However I hate to say this but, “time is money”

If I can buy something that I would consider up there in caliber / level with a conversion project that I could attempt myself, but all the tough stuff is already done

Then count me in
Because my time is a precious commodity!

Just my half dollar
Have a great weekend!

Yeah, I'd get one (at least). I would want it made so that it can run on batteries or with an AC adapter (with or without a cord). I would use it for an in-store display as well as at conventions. I would want it to be regulation size, also (to be usable in-game). But then I'd want three or four of them- sigh. Simple answer, Y E S.

A version of it that simulates those "astronomy projectors" and throws a programmable phrase onto a wall would also be an idea to toss in for an option. There are quite a few famous quotes that relate to SST in the movie and CGI series that could be pre-loaded in a chip. It could even rotate a bunch of them randomly. Now that would be a eye-catcher, if I do say so (it's the salesman in me that "spit" that idea out).

For example, a phrase out of the CGI series would be perfect for it (I'm just about to change out my tag on the forums to it)-

"Gee, Sarge, would it kill you to shower once in a while? You smell like the south end of a north-bound Plasma Bug!" -Diz

I know, it's a little long for the "table lamp", but it will still work in the forums, heh.
Mr Evil said:
anton970 said:
Nice idea,, but could go the way of the limited edition Apothasis book... and limited edition 40k rules book,, every body jumped up and down about them,, but hardly any one did a pre order for one whwn it came to aprting with the cash.

I agree, a limited edition hardbound leather SST rule book with slip cover would be cool.

You could even wait until the three main army books and Klendathu are out and combine them into one massive tome! :D
Mr Evil said:
hay hot for me bud..

nice idea, but seems sorta gimiky, i like to paint my figs to use in games rather than have a Plasma bug with real lights toy tm..
just seems more toy than game minature thats all.

But that just me... im an old man hehehehehe

Mr Evil's passing this up? OK, I'll take HIS... ;)