What's your favourite space combat game?


Computer game that is (or console game though I can't think of any that there aren't better examples of the same sort of thing on PC :p)

My personal favourite has been for a long time and probably will be for quite some time to come,

Starfleet Command II: Orion Pirates (not so much specifically that add on but it had more ships than the basic SFC 2 so is still better ;))

A close second would have to be I-War 2: Edge of Chaos. No game I have ever played has even come close to making space flight seem so realistic and believable (except of course for I-War 1 ;))
I don't see why we cannot also include table top as well as computer simulation.

Computer, has to be Conflict Freespace (and the sequel) when you see a couple of fleets of space ships a couple of miles long open up on each other, you get a feeling of being an ant amongst giants. I-War is also superb. There is also some strange satisafaction of zipping about in TIE Interceptors and A-wings in X-Wing Vs TIE fighter. Still need to try out B5:I've Found Her though.

Table Top, ACTA wins, though Star Warriors is also great fun. Gothic always seemed a bit 'cheap' in the way it had firepower and lances, they could have done a lot more with it. I have played some Full Thrust, but not enough to remember any of it. I also enjoy B5Wars as a good detailed simulation between a few ships.
You're getting over your Poll addiction then Locutus? ;)

Anway... EVE! Been addicted for 3 years and still going strong. Can't say that about any other game, ever!!!
Nah I just figured theres far too many options to put this in Poll form ;)

Tank and Silvereye thats exactly WHY I said computer game, theres already been 4000 tons of threads about which games are better worse than ACTA as table top games.

Omega this is specific to SPACE COMBAT games which does relate to ACTA as far as Im concerned (I always wanted a B5Wars version of SFC but alas it never came about :()

As for EVEil Online, I have dabbled with it and its good but somehow I just dont seem to find myself getting sucked into as I have with WoW and other games in the past, EvE is a superb game that I will almost invariably go back to at some point but for now me and it are 'on a break' ;)
Locutus9956 said:
As for EVEil Online, I have dabbled with it and its good but somehow I just dont seem to find myself getting sucked into as I have with WoW and other games in the past, EvE is a superb game that I will almost invariably go back to at some point but for now me and it are 'on a break' ;)
It does have a steep learning curve, but once you get into 0.0 PVP you never look back :D
Been there done that and did look back (admittedly I never got HEAVILY into that area of the game, god knows though I will at some point in time almost certainly ;))
Locutus9956 said:
Omega this is specific to SPACE COMBAT games which does relate to ACTA as far as Im concerned (I always wanted a B5Wars version of SFC but alas it never came about :()

Well i disagree. Just because you are discussing space combat i don't think that makes it appropriate to post in here instead of in the off-topic forum, which i might add already contains a thread on a BSG tabletop space combat game!
I don't think this goes here for two reasons:-

1) You aren't discussing space combat in the babylon 5 universe
2) You aren't discussing a tabletop based game in relation to ACTA.

If say you were discussing a videogame version of a B5 space combat game then fair enough. Similarly if you were discussing a new tabletop minis space combat game and relating it to some aspect of ACTA then also fair enough.

But the fact is that you want to talk about space combat videogames, which bears no resemblance to ACTA other than the fact that it involves space ships. Also you don't want to discuss something with a SPECIFIC reference to ACTA e.g rules, ship stats etc. merely to know "whats your favourite game?".

Just my five cents worth :D
Full thrust wins hands down,
for generic games you can do just about anything with it,and it is simple clean and elegant(i`ll have my back hander now Mr Tuffly)

As for games tied to specific worlds,Acta and the fasa trek game are up there as about the best,though they both seam to suffer a little bit from lossing the flavour of the show.and Gothic is fun like Acta but without counters.......

Star fleet Battles is just a monster,federation Commander plays well,silant death is a nice little game.Red Alert could have been a real fun game but due to it`s untimley demise we`ll never know.as for the Harrington game not played it but it looks horribly complecated

as for comp games have not played a lot(to much time painting lead)
but SFC was fun

as you can see i have spent far tom uch time playing these things

Tie-Fighter on the PC. Then followed by Tachyon the fringe on PC. AcTa is my favourite table top but thats because i hate 40K for what it did to humanity.

Is this being moved to off-topic? Alot of threads are being hijacked by pointless posts (trust me i'm one of them ). :oops:
Whitehaven said:
...as for the Harrington game not played it but it looks horribly complecated

honor Harringto? a Tabletop? man i love that novel can ya give me any links?

@ topic: i must agree EVE ownes ;) excpecially 0.0 Mining with 3 accounts ;) *wheresthearc*
HH game is produced by AdAstra games who also produce the Attack Vector game on which it is based,they also produce a line of mini`s from the honourverse, mucho $$$

thanks. looks interesting also i didnt imagen the ships they way they did but they still looke somewhat the same image i had in mind...

Cant beat the original Elite (first played it on a BBC :) ) it is the granddaddy of ALL computerl space combat games.

Wing Commander was also good fun, though I preferred the open enededness of Privateer best.

Though I tend to look for more than just Combat with my space games..so i'd have to the list the following games too.

Masters of Orion 2 (had space combat, colonisation, research, trade, espionage etc.. but was 2d not 3d).

and more recently Galactic Civilisations 2.
Homeworld 2 great graphics ,you command a fleet of various size ships and squadrons of fighters and fighter bomers attacking and in some cases destroying capital ships (now there's a thought)
Need to find B5 mod for it
Neo said:
Cant beat the original Elite (first played it on a BBC :) ) it is the granddaddy of ALL computerl space combat games.

How could I forget about that game! It rocked big time. I still remember starting a new pilot, buying a fourth missile and heading off to that nearby Poor Agricultural, Anarchy world next to Lave. I think my best was rating as Competent when I landed many hours later.