Emperor Mongoose
Responding to the OP here:
Language is huge IMTU, but here's the thing: No program or robot is going to know the changing trends in a language unless the programmer is a native speaker. You can learn 'King's English' version of language but idiomatic accented language must be taught by a sophont.
What's more, the best teacher for any language is immersion... where errors can have certain consequences. For example, you'll always remember the difference between a lavatory and coat locker if you ask someone where the closet is but what you really need is the WATER closet...
In short, whether man or machine, you need exposure to a language from native speakers if you ever hope to speak conversationally, with idioms, popular media references and slang.
Language is huge IMTU, but here's the thing: No program or robot is going to know the changing trends in a language unless the programmer is a native speaker. You can learn 'King's English' version of language but idiomatic accented language must be taught by a sophont.
What's more, the best teacher for any language is immersion... where errors can have certain consequences. For example, you'll always remember the difference between a lavatory and coat locker if you ask someone where the closet is but what you really need is the WATER closet...
In short, whether man or machine, you need exposure to a language from native speakers if you ever hope to speak conversationally, with idioms, popular media references and slang.