what do you use jump points for?

I don’t really understand jump points as I have never used them. What is the benefit of keeping your ships in hyperspace and jumping in?

Can you use them to jump in behind your opponent? I presume you can come in pointing in any direction??

Do most people use them in tournaments or do most people not bother unless they have AJP???


Cpt Kremmen
Yes you can come in anywhere on the board, facing any direction. ie: in your opponents weak arcs, and at your preferred range. The only drawback is that you place the jump counter on turn 1 and move through on turn 2, so the enemy has a chance to manouver his defences. (Unless you're Shadows)

If you have the opportunity to use them, don't waste it... read up on page 20 of the revised set book 1 for all the info, and search for "hyperspace" in the rulesmasters forum for some clarifications.
Vorchans have got the speed to close on the enemy without jumping in, but I'd include them in a task force you want to jump in, just because they've got relatively short-ranged weapons.

Basically consider, in a larger game, keeping your bigger, long-range ships (Octurion, Primus, Sulust, etc) on the board and holding them back to fire at range. Then open a jump point or two behind the enemy fleet and jump in your smaller ships. This way he's got to either turn to face them and leave his rear exposed to the advancing capital ships or rush towards the capital ships leaving your fast attack ships in his rear arc.

Not exactly tactical masterwork, but it's a way to use your jump points without , hopefully, getting shot up for appearing too close to the enemy.
Not necessarily, Vorchans are damned fast anyway. Plus using a planet to attack an enemy fire support ship early on is nearly as good as jump point, or better ^^.

APTE gives 21 inches, planet adds 8 for a whopping 29. Smack in front of the enemy Sag.

Jumping in has its uses though, but you will lose one turn of fire, 2 if you do not have AJP......
Voronesh said:
Not necessarily, Vorchans are damned fast anyway. Plus using a planet to attack an enemy fire support ship early on is nearly as good as jump point, or better ^^.

APTE gives 21 inches, planet adds 8 for a whopping 29. Smack in front of the enemy Sag.

Jumping in has its uses though, but you will lose one turn of fire, 2 if you do not have AJP......

Oh dear, I lose TWO turns of fire? as you say Vorchans are fast enough that may not be worthwhile, though I will probably use the Vorchar or Vorchat or whatever it is called option, they drop to 12 inch speed.

I am particularly thinking of the tournament game as I have never played one. I don't think we have planets in the terrain but there is random stellar debris, I don't know what the impact of that is either, will have to read up on it.
"Random stellar debris" can usually includes planets as well.
And yeah, you can't fire when you jump in, unless your ships have the Advanced Jump Point trait.
If your ship has really naff firepower, such as (for example) the Drakh Carrier and then some smart gimp knocks off what few guns you already had... you can occasionally pull a blinder and drop a Jump point on top of somebody, 6AD Triple Damage! Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp Carrier!
JP bombs only work when coming into realspace from hyperspace, not the other way ;)
Deploy your carrier backwards dude. 1 Raider deployed at setup, Scramble Scramble in turn 1, launch the last then leave the table in turn 2. Give away 4 VP's for a tactical withdrawl, better than losing 20 VP's for a big fat firemagnet geting blown up.
Was thinking of something sneakily along those lines, hence my other thread wondering about VPs' and auxiliary craft / launched Drakh, etc. Nobody seems to know the answers to that one....
I'm assuming full VP's for the Carriers and Raiders seperately.
Agreed; losing 2 turns of fire (one off in hyperspace opening the jump point and one coming through) does hurt. AJP makes tactical hyperspace jumps much more usable; best combined with a mid-range strafing run (warlock equivalent) or close-range armed ships. As the name suggests, you can jump in closer to your target and give them less time to react before hitting them.

Nothing says 'party' like a wing of attack cruisers and heavy scouts jumping into the middle of an enemy formation: Vast quantities of advanced omni-directional close range weapons appearing at point blank range......of course stealth doesn't hold up that well in close....

The main value of a normal jump point is either to give you a second deployment zone or the ever popular tactical witdrawl:


I was thinking the Tigara attack cruiser would suffer from the stealth changes, but that is an excellent idea, Tigara's appearing in the rear of my formation would not do wonders for my captains morale. Hey I could even bring those useless Togotha's with the Tigara.

Would you be allowed to put a tigara and a couople of togotha in a squadron and jump them in together, I presume yes... Think I will try that.

Yes, Tigaras and Torothas take a kick to the goolies from the stealth rules. They are close-range ships, not the typical "neutron laser from 30 inches" stereotype the Minbari seem to have.

The new fighter rules severely hurt Tigara and Torotha as well. Expect to be covered by enemy fighter blobs which now ignore your stealth. At least you get a VP for destroying each of them... if you survive.
Nothing to stop you doing that. Probably the best use of a couple of Torothas or Tigaras is hiding them in hyperspace and opening AJPs all over the enemy fleet for you to deploy the through the next turn.

A Squadron of 2 Tigaras or a Tigara and Ashinta are pretty lethal. Even a couple of Torothas will have your enemy scrambling a bit to protect the soft spots. And disrupting a fleet formation is very useful as it can radically change the battle plan.

What I would recomend doing is placing the jump points where you would want to enter the battle, not AJP bombing where you can get the best hits/kills. Getting your ships into possition right away is worth a lot more to you then than cause a little damage with the vortex', if you do score any damage, that is just a bit of a bonus.
You're right Silvereye, getting a good position is much more of an advantage than a 1-trick-pony JP bomb. It might be triple damage, but its 6AD and not AP, so they're not as deadly/scary as some people think. Low hulled skirmish ships can take a whooping but bigger ships can usually shrug it off.

My Torothas have go-faster stripes on them :D Their best use is to distract the enemy and make them break formation. Mine are commanded by Cpt. Leroy Jenkins!
Burger said:
Yes, Tigaras and Torothas take a kick to the goolies from the stealth rules. They are close-range ships, not the typical "neutron laser from 30 inches" stereotype the Minbari seem to have.

The new fighter rules severely hurt Tigara and Torotha as well. Expect to be covered by enemy fighter blobs which now ignore your stealth. At least you get a VP for destroying each of them... if you survive.

And it is not like you can take an independent fighter wing to escort them. Lets face it 1 patrol point for a single independant Nial or Tisaht flight just will not help in any way.