What do YOU think the new licences are?

Xex said:
Were there ever any psionics, or something like that in the setting/rules?

And any chance of a setting free scifi ruleset? For running our own scifi setting games...

Yeah, psionics were there from the beginning, with six different branches of talent, each branch having a small number of skills.

Traveller is reasonably setting-free -- at least, I think it's pretty general and flexible. It seems to only require cosmetic tweaks to accommodate most classic sci-fi settings.
Kristovich said:
Neo said:
I should also note it is now confirmed that there WILL be a Fallout MMO as well as Fallout 3, apparently Interplay didnt sell all the license to Bethesda, just most of it. So absolutely spankingly awesome news! A PnP RPG to finsih it off would be the final gleeful nail in my vault of pipboy happiness.

I'll probably not by that Fallout MMO, but Fallout 3 already has a slot in my budget! And I do hope for a PnP RPG based on Fallout. You'd think that if Mongoose got the license, they'd be set for life (well, at least they'd make something!).

"War... War never changes!"

Dont worry about any MMO, for those of us who keep track of these things Interplay has less than 10 employees... for a while they were at 2. Herve Caen ran his french gaming company into the ground with embezzlement, he is of course the CEO and owner of Interplay. They are only in business to find someone who will buy the Fallout MMO license for enough that will get them out of the hole. The company is worth negative millions (11). They are being sued by stock-holders, and they are still fighting legal battles regarding over due rent payments on their old facilities. Which they were EVICTED from.

Yeah don't hold your breath for Fallout MMO ... it would be terrible anyways, who would wantonly do that to my beloved CRPG... Oh I KNOW HERVE CAEN...

Sorry for the rant, but Neo's certainty made me gag... no offense to him :)
PS as of april 07 they will have 2 years to develop the MMO or lose all rights to it as well.
