Warrior Typo?

Thanks for the pictures Hiromoon Now I see what the Warrior is, an IFV indeed and the whole thread makes a lot more sense to my poor ancient befuddled half-wits.

Thanks again for all the pics you post and the research you do to find them. :D :D :D

Thanks to you too, Reaverman. :D :D :D :D

Oh, one question on the Warrior IFBV picture. Had to laugh because what the heck is that sticking out of the cannon barrel? Anyone know?

Looks to me like someone left the cleaning rod in the barrel. You know half done with cleaning and "Gotta Go". :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
What is what sticking out of the barrel I don't see anything? :?


Sorry see what you mean now. The black bit, coming out of the yellow bit right?
That is the barrel, it thins out at that stage, its only 30mm after all.

Hope that helps...

And just because I'm anal...

Some pictures to try and show it a bit more clearly:

This one is probably the best for showing it (and appropriatly from a model...):

Think of it like that, actually. That's what it is, effectively. Think about wrapping your soldier up to keep the..err....un-authorized biologicals getting in ya. For a gun, it's pretty much the same thing.
I like the APFSDSDU rounds on the floor, next to the Challenger II

How can you tell? I know you can tell it's a sabot by the shape, but the depleted uranium? Are they colour coded so they don't get mixed up?
(It's in keeping with a LAW I once saw, it had 'this end towards enemy' stencilled on the body).

We use barrel condoms in paintball, it denotes a safe gun, 'reckon that would work in war? Special forces could sneak in the night before an attack and condom all of the enemy tanks :)