War Without End


I'm looking forward to seeing the old 10mm GROPOS range re-issued, and at more reasonable Mongoose style prices.

That said, I've more or less given up playing A Call to Arms since failing to destroy a single Minbari ship in four battles in our (now moribund) local campaign: Mongoose, please don't make the Minbari unbeatable in this game as well!
Nomad said:
I'm looking forward to seeing the old 10mm GROPOS range re-issued, and at more reasonable Mongoose style prices.

That said, I've more or less given up playing A Call to Arms since failing to destroy a single Minbari ship in four battles in our (now moribund) local campaign: Mongoose, please don't make the Minbari unbeatable in this game as well!

don't give up on ACTA Nomad! just use the tournament lists, the Minbari drop like Arjen Robben when you hit them in those list! :lol:
Just read the articles in S&P on Basic Tactics and more specifically on tactics to defeat Minbari. A lot of defeats result from improper fleet construction or ship selection related to tactics used. Also play at lower PLs, this puts the Minbari at a slight disadvantage.
Now, now Nomad...you can't honestly give up on a game because you have had bad luck against one fleet list?

I have beaten the Minbari before, and been beaten by others while playing them.

Have faith, the Goose manages. :) I'm sure War Without End will be just as fantastic as ACTA, and no doubt just as aligned with the canon we are trying to represent. I don't rightly know, as I wasn't involved with that project sadly, but I have massive faith in those Geese higher up the food chain than me.

Reading a certain RPG book about the EA I noticed that the GROPOS were able to fight the Minbari very effectively. So even if the Minbari ruled space they apparently didn't have the same technological advantage planetside [EDIT] during the Earth/Minbari war.

So I am expecting Minbari to be tough but not the undefeatable young race that they appear to be in ACTA. :wink:
More difficult to gain an advantage through technology at point blank range. As we've probably been finding out of late...

In the Beginning also suggests that even if the Minbari won the conventional battle, they still had to contend with a guerrila war, something they had no experience of.

Nomad don't give up on ACTA. The Minbari are tough but can be dealt with easier than in B5Ws. As mentioned it is easier at lower points. Also if you want to stay true to the cannon don't forget that you can ram. It is drastic but if you pull it off it is spectacular :twisted:

As to Gropos I agree it is good to see it returning. If Mongoose treats it as they did B5W it will be great.
Gotta agree. I started picking up GROPOS stuff just before it crashed and burned, and was always kind of bitter to see it go away just as I'd discovered it. I'm definitely looking forward to the new iteration, but then I'm a B5 junkie so it stands to reason that'd be the case :P
Don't listen to Nomad, we wooed him back, althoguh it seems it is his aweful dice rolling that is as much to blame as the minbo stealth :-)

we started a new campaign, we have no boneheads, so we are all happy :-)

looking forward to gropos, at last, the narn should kick serious buttock!
It was decided that it needed retinking to change it from a simple tank bash into a combined arms game. Exactly when it will resurface is unclear.
Very much hope it does, was afraid it had been swallowed up into bf; evo after comments that were made about a modern variant. :oops: