Traveller Starship Combat Range Calculator Wanted:


Cosmic Mongoose
This would be a calculator that precludes any need for a map on the assumption that ships are only closing or opening distance in an area of empty space with no other stellar or static features within distant range.

System: Core and High Guard Mg2e (update 2022) and using vectored movement from Companion 2024

Should be able to give range to target for 2 opposing ships or groups of ships (if each group is moving at same speed, sticking together, or maybe it can also track if they have different acceleration and different closing or opening directions)

Also give ranges of Missile Salvos closing on their targets as they are launched.

Can assume that either both sides are moving toward each other, away from each other or one is chasing the other.

I am currently trying to build this in Excel but I thought if someone else already has this out there, why reinvent the wheel?
My thinking is that such a device would handle movement choices for 90% of the possible starship combats that could occur in empty space out to distant range.
There used to be a one page sheet out there with the numbers 1-100 in boxes on it (or was it 50?) with range bands noted.
One unit stays on zero and the other side moves the net thrust (adding or subtracting enemy thrust).
Missiles would work the same way on it.
That would be easier than recording each move on a computer and smaller than a map...
Although my group is used to TT minis and SFB, so we put ships out there and measure inches or cm's depending on how big the table is.
There used to be a one page sheet out there with the numbers 1-100 in boxes on it (or was it 50?) with range bands noted.
One unit stays on zero and the other side moves the net thrust (adding or subtracting enemy thrust).
Missiles would work the same way on it.
That would be easier than recording each move on a computer and smaller than a map...
Although my group is used to TT minis and SFB, so we put ships out there and measure inches or cm's depending on how big the table is.
I have made that sheet myself or one like it. I am wanting to upgrade to vectored movement though and not just counting "thrusts", hence the reference to vectored movement as mentioned in Companion 2024.