Traveller: Riftbreaker #1 preview art


Emperor Mongoose
The second Traveller comic book from Markosia Publishing will be Traveller: Riftbreaker. I'm really excited about this comic. The premise:

The spacelanes of the Imperium are made of star clusters and mains that guide the flow of interstellar traffic. The stars provide the path for Travellers to cross Charted Space. But there are vast expanses of starless space where only the boldest Travellers dare to go. The yawning void of the Great Rift is one such expanse. Adventurers Revo Sanderson and his brave crew are determined to do the unthinkable: Cross the Rift using their wits and a standard scout ship. It's a crazy idea, but Travellers are made of sterner stuff than your average spacer.

Here's some preview art to enjoy!



The link to Markosia's site doesn't seem to be working for me, but Amazon is saying that Riftbreaker is coming out June 21st and Far Trader #3 on July 8th.