Does anyone else think that Conan should put an even lower cap on hit points?
My players just hit third level with around 30 hit points each. There is a huge difference between 10 (1st), 20 (2nd) and 30 hit points (3rd), especially with a nice mail hauberk and steel cap (DR 7). Fights go longer, and while still scary so far, the PCs are starting to mow down opponents too easily for my taste... the dreaded D&D power escalation.
Some ideas I have for keeping combat terrifying:
Hit points = CON + STR mod + Toughness feat. No HD/level. The only way to get more hit points is to raise your stats or buy the Toughness feat. Monsters, on the other hand, use HD as per standard rules.
Hit points = CON + STR mod + Toughness feat + (CON mod + STR mod divided by 2 per level)
Hit Points = CON + STR divided by 2 + Toughness feat. Variable hit points by class per level. Barbarians, Borderers and Soldiers gain 3/level from 2nd level on. Nobles, Nomads, Pirates and Tghieves gain 2 hit points. Scholars gain 1 hit point.
My players just hit third level with around 30 hit points each. There is a huge difference between 10 (1st), 20 (2nd) and 30 hit points (3rd), especially with a nice mail hauberk and steel cap (DR 7). Fights go longer, and while still scary so far, the PCs are starting to mow down opponents too easily for my taste... the dreaded D&D power escalation.
Some ideas I have for keeping combat terrifying:
Hit points = CON + STR mod + Toughness feat. No HD/level. The only way to get more hit points is to raise your stats or buy the Toughness feat. Monsters, on the other hand, use HD as per standard rules.
Hit points = CON + STR mod + Toughness feat + (CON mod + STR mod divided by 2 per level)
Hit Points = CON + STR divided by 2 + Toughness feat. Variable hit points by class per level. Barbarians, Borderers and Soldiers gain 3/level from 2nd level on. Nobles, Nomads, Pirates and Tghieves gain 2 hit points. Scholars gain 1 hit point.