Tone of MMWG


I've been thinking of running a Macho Women with Guns game, but one of the things holding me back is how to set the proper tone. I'm not even sure, what IS the proper tone for a Macho Women with Guns game?

Maybe I'm taking my games a little too seriously, but Lutheran Biker Chicks, Renegade Nuns, a world full of women trying to kill each other, this seems to be a game that would require more careful handling than a typical Dungeons and Dragons game.

I'm curious if anyone's run into any issues, and if so, how they were resolved.
The tone should be fun, fun, fun. It is a pretty much anything goes game. Let the players get away with pretty much anything they want - and remember a broken nail is worse than a 50 hp damage loss. :lol:

The scenario in the rulebook should give you an idea of how to run the game. If not try the Sex Presidents in Signs & Portents or Adolf Hitler - Porn Star which is available for download.
both are brillant adventures but if you mix

25% schoolboy humor
25% smut
25% in house jokes
24% physical humor
1% serious adventure(if required)

and I would say you have yourselves a adventure girls :wink: :lol: :lol:
Utgardloki said:
I've been thinking of running a Macho Women with Guns game, but one of the things holding me back is how to set the proper tone. I'm not even sure, what IS the proper tone for a Macho Women with Guns game?

Maybe I'm taking my games a little too seriously, but Lutheran Biker Chicks, Renegade Nuns, a world full of women trying to kill each other, this seems to be a game that would require more careful handling than a typical Dungeons and Dragons game.

I'm curious if anyone's run into any issues, and if so, how they were resolved.

we run a regular slaine game were most of the time they fight naked and hurl very funny insults at everyone so level of humor was as low as it could go :wink:
MWwG as the gang says, play it for laughs and big OTT fights, lots of tongue in chief humour and definitely don't go for serious. In the first couple of editions it's hard to play a serious style when you have such monsters as you have in the game.

The one that's based on Yoko Ono for instance ;)?

toothy's and Greg have definitely got it right and the Adolf Hitler Porn Star is perfect MWwG :)
Generally go for Swatzenagger action film with a bit of soft porn thrown in for good luck. I have my girls bitchslapping a Predator for Christ's sake!
now add in cheerleaders and a pink furry phallic mascot and you have a classic wwf based MWWG game going on there :wink: :lol: :lol:
The game doesn’t require special handling but sometimes the players do. The players need to get into the spirit of a game with satire, outrageous situations and opponents, and puerile humor. Rules lawyers and power gamers are not going to find this to be to their liking. . The fun and humor in MWWG comes from the role-playing and comments made by the players, not the accumulation of experience points and advancement in levels.

MMWG has a lot of theatricality to it. Players need to understand that the fun here comes from performing the stunts while in combat. Take this scenario as an example. Evil masked villain dangles baby of balcony form third story of a building. Evil masked villain drops the baby in order to buy time to make his escape. In D&D the player has two choices, shoot ranged weapon or spell to kill the evil masked villain or attempt to catch the baby to keep it from getting killed.

In MMWG the scenario should play out something like this:

Character, Tamara (call me Tam) Pons: “ I run forward and leap into the air turning two summersaults all the while blazing away with my M60 on full automatic and cursing the Evil Masked Villain for being a child molester, a Republican and a Texan. I land on my feet under the falling baby and catch her in my dimensional bust.”

If I were the DM and a player did this I would reward them by possibly lowering the saving throws to tumble and catching the baby and even making it easier to hit the Evil Masked Villain and also giving them action points. Many players get in the habit in combat of just saying “I shoot the orc closest to me.” IN MWWG you need to get the players to stop this and actually visualize the battle and think of spectacular ways they can defeat their enemies.
What you say sounds like the Exalted game, where you are supposed to describe your combat actions in the most dramatic turns. Myself, I don't mind some dramatic moments, but if every combat moment is dramatic, well that takes some of the drama out of the dramatic moments...

Also, I find myself attracted to the character development aspect. I could create a MMWG/Ravenloft crossover with pregen characters and have a lot of fun, but the idea of creating a superheroine (or superhero) and watching her (or him) develope over time.

Although to help my players get into it, I'm considering making a Y-Team, a team of daring guys who aim to prove that a guy can do just as well as a woman.
wow wish that had pictures :wink: 8) :lol: :lol: but remember a line from the comic releif doctor who which whent "you are the only assistant I have ever had,but you have had lots doctor yes but you are the only I have HAD :wink: "
What I've decided is the following:

1. Make it clear that I will be running a PG-13 game. There may be innuendo and "situations", but anything requiring full frontal nudity will be assumed to be happening "offstage".

2. I want to be able to get a woman to sign on to the concept. I don't know if I can actually get a woman to join the game, but it should be comported so that a woman (who had a suitable sense of humor, of course) could feel comfortable joining.

3. I will be emphasizing dry, ironic satire moreso than gratuitous farce. That does not mean that I won't be looking for the slenderest pretext to have bikini-clad babes prance about for the entertainment of men who do not exist in their century, because I will. But there will be a reason for everything, even if that reason may require some searching.

Now I just have to figure out what to do about God. :roll:
Have a quest for the cute boy... Seriously, if MWwG is tongue in cheek then this should definitely work. And of course, given that most men are gone you can quite easily stretch this out to a month of sessions and that's just to find THE boy (implies singular.)
Utgardloki said:
Now I just have to figure out what to do about God. :roll:

Well if you figure it out you will have probably solved the problems of the entire human race.

Wait... you mean in the game :lol: :lol: Maybe he should be Brad Pitt - a total man-babe. When the PCs find him they have to beat the evil Jen to get to him, only to find that he's been carried off by the eviler Angelina.

Note: can you have PCs in a non-PC game. Or am I getting my acronyms in a tangle?
I lost my main gaming group due to attrition (moving away, growing up, going to college, just quit playing[lame]). My son and daughter (occasonally wife, if I press), constitute my primary gamers. Occasionally, I manage to talk a friend into a game.

My question is: Being that my son is 18, daughter 15. Is MWWG ok for them to play? It's not too risque is it? We're not pruddish, but I don't want rub their faces in it either.

So what's the advice?

Update! I just checked out the preview. My son will definitely like the game too to much. My daughter, would just glare at me. My wife would laugh (that's why I love her).

So, I will see about adding the game to my "collection." I mean, it's not like I will be "studying" the game. I might "play test" the game. My son, being the helpful boy he is, will deign to do his duty by me.
I'm not sure if this is the sort of game I could share with my parents, and they're in their 60s. The book itself has a lot of feats such as Improved Nookie, and Blow Your Way to the Top. It might be a good chance to bring up "That Topic"......

But maybe you want to get the Book of Erotic Fantasy, instead. That book has a lot of clinical stuff about safe sex.

You could do what I am doing, and take the sourcebook as a starting point, and taking the challenge of figuring out the evolution of a society faced with these kinds of stresses. Maybe your wife can help you...

I've found that young girls these days seem to get into the sexy superheroine role model who kicks !@#. And kids can understand the girls look for guys and guys look for girls thing. It's hard to get away from the gay issue, though.

I don't think the Macho Women with Guns game will give teenagers any ideas that they don't already have. And there are probably social reasons why it might be a good idea to have a responsible adult who can maintain at atmosphere of maturity and decorum.

On the other hand, I don't know if I'd want to play this game with a 15 year old girl in Wisconsin. This is a state where they arrested a woman for showing her son a condom. (This is also a state where they arrested one person in 15 years for adultery. Just 1 person. And people asked, how can there only be 1 person in the entire state who is guilty of adultery?)