The Spider God's Bride


Emperor Mongoose
Do we have any idea when this product will be released?

I own the d20 version of this adventure and I am looking forward to seeing the Legend version - in many ways the RQII / Legend ruleset is a better fit for the setting than d20 ever was. Plus it will be great to see how the system handles a sword & sorcery setting.
I recomend the Age of Treason setting. It is Sword & Sorcery with a early Thievies World feeling.
That said I am looking forward to The Spider Gods Bride.
Fiddler said:
I recomend the Age of Treason setting. It is Sword & Sorcery with a early Thievies World feeling.
That said I am looking forward to The Spider Gods Bride.

I plan on picking up Age of Treason as soon as it is released in PDF. The previews look intriguing.