Mongoose did not design the setting, people, and they are not responsible for all those crazy UWPs. Maybe they are responsible for some of them, I don't know, but sectors have been generated by lots of different people and companies, and some have been turned into Mongoose products, and some not. I would not hold Mongoose responsible to make sure all UWPs make sense, and sorting them all out is not the best use of game designer time.
UWP is interpreted in different ways by different authors, and referees, in order to world-build to make sense and that is fine. This is a non-problem. If you see a world that doesn't make sense to you, either come up with a good and interesting explanation, or change it, if and when a particular world starts to matter for your gameplay. Otherwise, just ignore it. Who cares if there is a world with pop 50 billion, tech 12, and an E starport two subsectors away, if your players never go there? Just let it sit like that and if they come close either change it to A, or decide maybe the Type A starport was blown up or something if you need it for a plot point.