The Great Traveller Clean-Up!

I spotted two issues with ship sensors (unless this has already been caught) when trying to
run a pirate vs. merchant encounter in the Traveller Core Rulebook:

(1). Visual and Thermal sensors appear on the Sensors Table on p. 144. Indeed, they are the best
sensors - unlike radar the are can give you minimal detail at Distant range.

Two problems:

(a) How do you get these sensors? Visual and Thermal are omitted from all "Includes" columns for all classes of Electronics on p. 108.

(b) If they are included, what good is radar/lidar? Visual and thermal give better results at all range and don't give the user away!

(2) Sensors appear to have no limit on their range, because Distant is "50,000 km+" rather than 50,000-to some limit and if visual and thermal ARE available they can perform minimal detection at that range. Yet in HIGH GUARD certain sensors of more advanced type have ranges limited to 150,000 or so.

Should there be some limit on Distant range so ships cannot just start rolling dice and hoping for the best at 500,000 or 2,000,000 or whatever km?
A related issue to the sensors came up in the same combat.

"Distant" range is listed as 50,000 km+ and most beam weapons can shoot that far. Shouldn't there be a limit on this, so ships can't shoot up others or blast planets at 500,000 or 5,000,000 km?

Suggested errata: HIGH GUARD's alternate combat system already adds a very distant range that is twice distant range. Suggest adding to Traveller Core Rulebook p. 146 under the table:

"Distant: 50,000-100,000 km. Beyond this is Very Distant; all weapons are out of range."
Book 6: Scoundrel, p33 Under new skills, the Forgery skill is added. Ironically, none of the career skill tables for any of the Scoundrel careers offers the forgery skill. The only way to get it is to take it as the result of an event or a connection.

I would suggest that rather than making forgery a new skill, make it a task requiring the use of existing skills (such as language, computer, deception, etc.) rather than adding another new skill.
One more note about Scoundrel. The rules for salvaging by a Scavenger don't mesh very well with the rules from Merchant Prince. Scavenger offers the Security skill, while the Junk Dealer and the Salvage rules from Merchant Prince require the Trade (Salvage / Repair) skill which is not available to the Scavenger at all. Would be nice if a future edition synced the salvage rules up into a single set of rules and skills / skill requirements.
I'm new to Traveller so I'm not sure if I spotted this correctly but I think the text next to the fuel capacity for the Corsair (page 129 core rules) is wrong. It reads "Enough for one jump-2 and 6 weeks of operation." but 104 ton with an F class P-Plant will get you one jump-2 and 4 weeks of operation.
Emailed the guy listed at the start of this thread. He said all the information has already been turned into Mongoose Publishing. Now it's up to them what happens next.
lordmalachdrim said:
Emailed the guy listed at the start of this thread. He said all the information has already been turned into Mongoose Publishing. Now it's up to them what happens next.

Yes, Matthew is currently reviewing the material I turned over for the Core Rulebook, but don't stop posting here or sending me new items to add to the list.
I just picked up the ALien module 4:Zhodani and found some mistakes with the robots. SO the Zhodani uses grav system instead of legs-but there is a problem in the design.
trash bot and maintence bot use Grav floater-(4o kph) uses 2 slots? p.80
light warbot uses A grav belt (300kph) uses 1.8 slots? p.81 also listed is the friend or foe hud
medium warbot uses a grav belt (300kph) uses 2 slots? p.82 also listed the freind or foe hud
heavy warbot uses a grav belt (300kph) uses 2 slots? p.83 also listed with friend or foe hud
how many sloys does a grav floater and a grav belt use?
I have the robots book and the internal grav system listed there is 6 slots.
Another thing with all the warbots is computer radiation hardened gives a +1 to structure which is left out in the stats.
Was there an errata for robots and the Zhodani book that I missed?
lord senobio said:
I just picked up the ALien module 4:Zhodani and found some mistakes with the robots. SO the Zhodani uses grav system instead of legs-but there is a problem in the design.
trash bot and maintence bot use Grav floater-(4o kph) uses 2 slots? p.80
light warbot uses A grav belt (300kph) uses 1.8 slots? p.81 also listed is the friend or foe hud
medium warbot uses a grav belt (300kph) uses 2 slots? p.82 also listed the freind or foe hud
heavy warbot uses a grav belt (300kph) uses 2 slots? p.83 also listed with friend or foe hud
how many sloys does a grav floater and a grav belt use?
I have the robots book and the internal grav system listed there is 6 slots.
Another thing with all the warbots is computer radiation hardened gives a +1 to structure which is left out in the stats.
Was there an errata for robots and the Zhodani book that I missed?

No, but it's a well known fact among friends and family of that Zhodani author that he's a touch mathematically challenged.

I'll add these to the Zhodani errata stack.
and for the light warbot-if the grav belt does cost 2 slots-then the whole bot needs to be corrected. Its using more slots then its allowed in its build.
Grav floater and grav belt costing almost the same in slots-then why wouldnt you use the grav belt for the better speed.

I could see even with the weapons
lightwarbot pistol cost 3 slots
medium warbot rifle cost 3 slots
heavy warbot (large tank weapon) cost 5 slots.

I couls see maybe the pistol costing 1 slot
rifle 2 slots
heavy weapon 3 slots
and of course large tank weapons costing 4 slots and maybe an extra slot for ammo.
Bardicheart said:
Book 6: Scoundrel, p33 Under new skills, the Forgery skill is added. Ironically, none of the career skill tables for any of the Scoundrel careers offers the forgery skill. The only way to get it is to take it as the result of an event or a connection.

I would suggest that rather than making forgery a new skill, make it a task requiring the use of existing skills (such as language, computer, deception, etc.) rather than adding another new skill.

I would go one step -- no two steps -- further, and subsume "negative" skills under existing "positive" ones. For example:

* Forgery should be noted, in text, under the Writing specialization of Art.

Similarly, then, Deception should be moved to a footnote under the Acting specialization of Art.
kreider204 said:
I notice the PDF of the main rule book was updated last month. I don't suppose that was to correct errata? ...

Unfortunately not.

Mongoose went through and uploaded Watermarked PDF files. That was the update, no Errata Changes.
Just noticed something that seems to be an omission. Central Supply Catalogue, page 8, left column, first paragraph states "...the defensive sandcaster reaches its probable pinnacle at TL 16 with a 'sand' cloud which can..deflect charged particle beams."

As far as I could see, this effect is mentioned nowhere in Core Rulebook, Book 2: High Guard, nor in Adventure 3: Trillion Credit Squadron. Not that there are many TL 16 ships floating around outside the Darrian-controlled areas but it should at least be mentioned in High Guard, which describes weapon improvement effects received at higher TLs.
Need stats cleaned up on little things especially equipment: grav floaters, autodoc's, intel programs. What is weight, dimensions, lift capacity, how does gun fire itself and why, how does it aim, who tells it what the target is and how. Alot of items listed but few explained or detailed.

Example a player has an autodoc on a grav floater and uses it as his intelligent slave for all sorts of domestic chores. Bending rules, breaking rules or clever?
Easterner said:
Need stats cleaned up on little things especially equipment: grav floaters, autodoc's, intel programs. What is weight, dimensions, lift capacity, how does gun fire itself and why, how does it aim, who tells it what the target is and how. Alot of items listed but few explained or detailed.

Example a player has an autodoc on a grav floater and uses it as his intelligent slave for all sorts of domestic chores. Bending rules, breaking rules or clever?

Instead of changing the grav floater, make a grav bot.
Oh a gripe from Chargen.

Eliminate Ship's Boat as a benefit. It slows a player down, can't leave system and if you sell it off you become too rich to go adventuring.

Substitute a vehicle or an Air Raft much easier to transport one about.
Oh and tactical combat.

That's what a firefight sounds like, not 1 shot every 6 seconds.

Extended rate of fire for semi-auto's needed.

Fireteam Movement so Army/Marine type fireteams of three persons can shoot and fire as one.

6 seconds is too long for a turn. 6 seconds is an eternity in combat.

TRAV combat is not lethal enough. Though rare, as most bullets just wound, there isn't a bullet that can't kill with a single shot. That means inflicting 21 points of damage as an 'average' TRAV character is (777). IMTU we double the damage whenever natural doubles are rolled to hit. (4,4; 5,5; 6,6) etc.