Hi there,
First of all, I have to make it clear that all my previous ideas are just...
I mean, this is not intended to be canon, this is just the way
I want to make things logical with my vision of Magnamund. As August (and many more) said: you can do wathever you want with your game! :wink:
My purpose is to put some ideas on the table: make whtaever you want with them!
Wannabe Drakkar said:
well that is a good idea there sabbak, but accoridng to all the interesting little facts in the legends of lonewolf:
I haven't read the "legend" books and, according to all the awfull comments I've read about this serie, I don't intend to (and, of course, I don't think they are translated into french... as you can guess with my poor english level, this is a real problem!!! :wink: )
Wannabe Drakkar said:
the second black muster wasn't hidden and in fact silent wolf and his mentor storm hawk discovered a large group of giaks on a scouting mission, however silent wolf forgot this after watching a powerful BotCS kill Storm Hawk (yes, it was Vonotar on his way to join the darkside)
"Forgot this"?
Seem not very serious to me...
For me the Second Black Muster was not just a pair of scouting Giaks but the gathering of a huge army of (at least) 50'000 giaks+drakkarims+gourgaz+...
I repeat this is perhaps not canon but this is my point of view. :wink:
Wannabe Drakkar said:
Zagarna was a bit rushed, but only because Vonotar told him about the Kai Lords gathering for the feast of fehmarn
For me the Fehmarn feast is not something secret.
I prefer the idea of a big feast that takes place every 10-20 years (and has a duration of many days). In this way, Zagarna's plans were clear from the beginning. And I don't see how it can be different... Killing the whole Monastery NEED a huge preparation from the Darklords!
Wannabe Drakkar said:
Vonotar was important, but he didnt kill the guildmaster,
In my Magnamund: yes, he did!
Wannabe Drakkar said:
just remember legends are an acceptable argument because:
a) they're written by joe dever
In RpG I have only one rule: take what you want and make it yours.
I really like Joe Dever's stories (obviously!!!), but it is not my intention to take everything he writes as writen in stone...
Wannabe Drakkar said:
b) they're full of much more information than the game books
Really? I should perhaps have a look at those odd books...
Wannabe Drakkar said:
c) August refers to the in the LW Core book
Same comment as for a)...
Wannabe Drakkar said:
d) anyone who talks about Mary Sues
??? I'm so sorry but I don't know this gentle woman?
All right guys, this is just to make my point of view clear!